Q115 .D39 bd. 193 nr. 6
Revision of Triassic stratigraphy of the Scoresby Land and Jameson Land region, East Greenland / |
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Q115 .D39 bd. 194 nr. 4
The diatoms in four postglacial deposits in Greenland. |
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Q115 .D39 bd. 194 nr. 5
Diatoms from Southwest Greenland. |
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Q115 .D39 bd. 194 nr. 6
Microthermic observations in arctic vegetation. |
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Q115 .D39 bd. 195
Fossil fishes from the marine Late Palaeozoic of Holm Land-Amdrup Land, North-East Greenland / |
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Q115 .D39 bd. 195 nr. 1
Observations on pingos and permafrost hydrology in Schuchert Dal, N. E. Greenland / |
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Q115 .D39 bd. 195 nr. 2
Silurian stratigraphic sections at Kap Tyson, Offley Ø and Kap Schuchert, Northwestern Greenland / |
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Q115 .D39 bd. 195 nr. 3
Petrology of the Puklen syenite-alkali granite complex, Nunarssuit, South Greenland. |
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Q115 .D39 bd. 195 nr. 4
Dinoflagellate cysts and acritarchs from the Upper Vardekløft Formation : (Jurassic) of Jameson Land, East Greenland / |
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Q115 .D39 bd. 195 nr. 5
A gustavite-cosalite-galena-bearing mineral suite from the cryolite deposit at Ivigtut, South Greenland / |
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Q115 .D39 bd. 195 nr. 6
Chemical petrology of Tertiary flood basalts from the Scoresby Sund area / |
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Q115 .D39 bd. 195 nr. 7
The Uivfaq dike and related hybrid dikes from southern Disko, West Greenland : field relations / |
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Q115 .D39 bd. 195 nr. 8
Eisrandstudien : ausgehend von Sermeq, SW-Grönland / |
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Q115 .D39 bd. 195 nr. 9
Fossil fishes from the marine Late Palaeozoic of Holm Land-Amdrup Land, North-East Greenland / |
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Q115 .D39 bd. 196
Precambrian ultramafic rocks south of Sermilik, Frederikshåb district, South-West Greenland. |
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Q115 .D39 bd. 196 nr. 1
Scleractinian corals from the Upper Cretaceus and Lower Tertiary of Nûgssuaq, West Greenland. : De danske Nûgssuaq ekspeditioner 1938-39 under ledelse af Alfred Rosenkrantz. |
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Q115 .D39 bd. 196 nr. 2, 4
The Fiskenaesset complex, West Greenland / |
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Q115 .D39 bd. 196 nr. 3
Precambrian ultramafic rocks south of Sermilik, Frederikshåb district, South-West Greenland. |
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Q115 .D39 bd. 197 nr. 1
Fishing in West Greenland 1910-1966. : The development of a new native industry / |
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Q115 .D39 bd. 197 nr. 2
Stable isotope glaciology / |
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