Q115 .D39 bd. 197 nr. 3
Tertiary peralkaline rhyolite dikes from the Skærgaard area, Kangerdlugssuaq, East Greenland / |
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Q115 .D39 bd. 197 nr. 4
Geological investigations in east Greenland / |
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Q115 .D39 bd. 197 nr. 5
Permian-Triassic boundary in the Kap Stosch Area, East Greenland / |
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Q115 .D39 bd. 198
Vegetation of the Angmagssalik District, Southeast Greenland. |
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Q115 .D39 bd. 198 nr. 4
Studies in the vegetational history of Greenland. : Palaeobotanical investigations of some holocene lake and bog deposits. |
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Q115 .D39 bd. 198 nr. 5
Remains of mosses and freshwater animals in some Holocene lake and bog sediments from Greenland / |
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Q115 .D39 bd. 198 nr. 6
Anatomical characteristics of some woody plants of the Angmagssalik District of Southeast Greenland / |
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Q115 .D39 bd. 199 nr. 1
The Hepaticæ of West Greenland from ca. 66⁰N to 72⁰N / |
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Q115 .D39 bd. 199 nr. 2
Studies on the flora of the north Blosseville Kyst and on the hot springs of Greenland / |
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Q115 .D39 bd. 199 nr. 3
Marine, benthic algae from southernmost Greenland : Kap Farvel expedition 1970 / |
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Q115 .D39 bd. 199 nr. 4
The diatoms in four postglacial deposits at Godthåbsfjord, West Greenland / |
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Q115 .D39 bd. 199 nr. 5
Investigations on the ecology and phenology of the macromycetes in the Arctic / |
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Q115 .D39 bd. 199 nr. 6
Ecogeographical classification of Arctic vegetation based on shoots density determinations / |
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Q115 .D39 bd. 200 nr. 1
Transition from low potassium olivine tholeiites to alkali basalts on Ubekendt Ejland : the tertiary volcanic province of West Greenland / |
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Q115 .D39 bd. 200 nr. 2
Studies on triassic fishes from East Greenland / |
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Q115 .D39 bd. 200 nr. 3
The Lower Proterozoic Marmorilik Formation, East of Mârmorilik, West Greenland / |
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Q115 .D39 bd. 201
Ferri-sepiolite in hydrothermal calcite-quartz-chalcedony veins on Nûgssuaq in West Greenland / |
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Q115 .D39 bd. 201 nr. 1
Sand analysis as a method of estimating bedrock compositions in Greenland : illustrated by fluvial sands from the Fiskenaesset region / |
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Q115 .D39 bd. 201 nr. 2
The structure of South Renland, Scoresby Sund : with special reference to the tectono-metamorphic evolution of a southern internal part of the Caledonides of East Greenland / |
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Q115 .D39 bd. 201 nr. 3
Géologie et pétrographie des roches sédimentaires et volcaniques kétilidiennes (protérozoique inférieur) de la baignoire d'Arsuk, Groenland méridional / |
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