Call Number (LC) Title Results
Q125.2 .G385 2019 Science and the state : from the scientific revolution to World War II / 2
Q125.2 .G64 Dawn of modern science : from the Arabs to Leonardo da Vinci / 1
Q125.2 .G64 1995 Dawn of modern science : from the ancient Greeks to the Renaissance / 1
Q125.2.G74 2001eb Great Art of Knowing : The Baroque Encyclopedia of Athanasius Kircher / 1
Q125.2 .H35 2014 Revolution in Science 1500-1750. 1
Q125.2 .H38 2009eb The scientific revolution 1
Q125.2 .J33 1998 The scientific revolution : aspirations and achievements, 1500-1700 / 1
Q125.2 .J365 1999 Ingenious pursuits : building the scientific revolution / 2
Q125.2 .J37 1984 The birth of history and philosophy of science : Kepler's A defence of Tycho against Ursus, with essays on its provenance and significance / 2
Q125.2 .J66 2006 The good life in the scientific revolution : Descartes, Pascal, Leibniz, and the cultivation of virtue / 1
Q125.2 .J66 2006eb The good life in the scientific revolution : Descartes, Pascal, Leibniz, and the cultivation of virtue / 1
Q125.2 .K66 2022 Knowledge and culture in the early Dutch republic : Isaac Beeckman in context / 2
Q125.2 .M55 2014 Representing space in the scientific revolution / 1
Q125.2 .M55 2014eb Representing space in the scientific revolution / 1
Q125.2 .N35 Le beau roman de la physique cartésienne et la science exacte de Galilée / 1
Q125.2 .N365 1995 Science policy : new mechanisms for scientific collaboration between East and West / 1
Q125.2 .N49 2004 Promethean ambitions : alchemy and the quest to perfect nature / 1
Q125.2 .N49 2004eb Promethean ambitions : alchemy and the quest to perfect nature / 1
Q125.2 .O46 2014eb Copernicus in the cultural debates of the Renaissance : reception, legacy, transformation / 1
Q125.2 .O5 On pre-modern technology and science : a volume of studies in honor of Lynn White, Jr. / 1