Call Number (LC) Title Results
Q127.U6 A76 Outcome uncertain : science and the political process / 2
Q127.U6 A77 2012 An anthology of nineteenth-century American science writing / 1
Q127.U6 A9 1985 A strategic analysis of science & technology policy / 2
Q127.U6 B27 1982 Science policy from Ford to Reagan : change and continuity / 2
Q127.U6 B275 1986 Science, technology, and public policy / 1
Q127.U6 B277 2015 A scientific peak : how Boulder became a world center for space and atmospheric science / 1
Q127.U6 B3 Scientists against time / 1
Q127.U6 B3 1968 Scientists against time. 1
Q127.U6 B33 Thinkers and tinkers : early American men of science / 1
Q127.U6 B37 1986 Science, technology, and public policy / 1
Q127.U6 B4 Science and foreign relations : international flow of scientific and technological information. 1
Q127.U6 B46 2010 The doomsday lobby hype and panic from Sputniks, martians, and marauding meteors / 1
Q127.U6 B6 1995 Confessions of a technophile / 2
Q127.U6 B76 The government of science / 1
Q127.U6 B768 1998 Downsizing science : will the United States pay a price? / 1
Q127.U6 B78 1987 The launching of modern American science, 1846-1876 / 1
Q127.U6 B78 1988 E-book The launching of modern American science, 1846-1876 1
Q127.U6 B83 Science at the White House a Political Liability / 1
Q127.U6 B85 Science in America; historical selections.
Science in America : historical selections /
Q127.U6 B87 Pieces of the action. 1