Call Number (LC) Title Results
Q127.U6 T384 1994 Profits of science : the American marriage of business and technology / 2
Q127.U6 T4 Science, technology and state government : recommendations for the role of state government in stimulating development through science and technology, presented to Governor Buford Ellington / 1
Q127.U6 T47 2019 State science and research. 1
Q127.U6 T6 The American ideology of national science, 1919-1930 /
The American ideology of national science, 1919-1930
Q127.U6 T73 1983 America's golden bough : the science advisory intertwist / 1
Q127.U6 U487 1979a U.S. background preparations and policy formulation for the United Nations Conference on Science and Technology for Development / 1
Q127.U6 U5 1963 Colorado and the new technological revolution : proceedings / 1
Q127.U6 U52 National policy, organization, and priorities for science, engineering, and technology act of 1976 : Joint report / 1
Q127.U6 U54 Research & Technology Report ... / 1
Q127.U6 U56 1974 Science and the challenges ahead : report of the National Science Board. 1
Q127.U6 V3 Science and society in the United States / 1
Q127.U6 .V343 2018eb Science and Technology Diplomacy : a Focus on The Americas with Lessons for the World. 1
Q127.U6 V5 Indiana scientists : a biographical directory and an analysis / 1
Q127.U6 V66 1991 Citizen scientist / 1
Q127.U6 W36 1999 American science in an age of anxiety : scientists, anticommunism, and the cold war / 1
Q127.U6 W36 1999eb American science in an age of anxiety : scientists, anticommunism, and the cold war / 2
Q127.U6 W365 2008eb In Sputnik's shadow : the President's Science Advisory Committee and Cold War America / 2
Q127.U6 W48 1994 Who will do science? : educating the next generation / 2
Q127.U6 W5 Where science and politics meet / 1
Q127.U6 W534 1983 Academic science, higher education, and the federal government, 1950-1983 / 1