Call Number (LC) Title Results
Q141 .C252 2003 A century of Nobel Prizes recipients : chemistry, physics, and medicine / 1
Q141 .C252 2003eb A century of Nobel Prizes recipients : chemistry, physics, and medicine / 1
Q141 .C32 1996 Zhongguo yuan shi / 1
Q141 .C34 1989 Chambers concise dictionary of scientists / 1
Q141 .C64 1994 Collins biographical dictionary of scientists / 2
Q141 .C65 A la mémoire de quinze savants français lauréats de l'Institut assassinés par les allemands, 1940-1945. 1
Q141 .C67 1964 Kyūri ie no hitobito / 1
Q141 .C68 1996 Creative couples in the sciences / 2
Q141 .C68 1996eb Creative couples in the sciences / 1
Q141 .C69 1998 Ladies in the laboratory? : American and British women in science, 1800-1900 : a survey of their contributions to research / 1
Q141 .C693 2004 Ladies in the laboratory II : West European women in science, 1800-1900 : a survey of their contributions to research / 1
Q141 .C6933 2010eb Ladies in the laboratory III : South African, Australian, New Zealand, and Canadian women in science : nineteenth and early twentieth centuries : a survey of their contributions / 1
Q141 .C7 1936 Men of science : Humphry Davy, Michael Faraday, James Prescott Joule, William Thomson, James Clerk Maxwell / 1
Q141 .C715 1970 Scientific types / 1
Q141 .C72 1962 Scientists of the industrial revolution: Joseph Black, James Watt, Joseph Priestley [and] Henry Cavendish. 1
Q141 .C74 1966 Statesmen of science : Henry Brougham, William Robert Grove, Lyon Playfair, the Prince Consort, the Seventh Duke of Devonshire, Alexander Strange, Richard Burdon Haldane, Henry Thomas Tizard [and] Frederick Alexander Lindemann / 1
Q141 .C78 2004 Curious minds : how a child becomes a scientist / 1
Q141 .D28 1966 Naturforscher und Erfinder : biographische Miniaturen / 1
Q141 .D3 Masters of science and invention / 1
Q141 .D4 1928 Hunger fighters / 1