Call Number (LC) Title Results
Q143.Y56 R69 2011eb Finding Mars / 1
Q143.Y7 R63 2006 The last man who knew everything : Thomas Young, the anonymous polymath who proved Newton wrong, explained how we see, cured the sick, and deciphered the Rosetta stone, among other feats of genius / 2
Q143.Y7 W6 Thomas Young, natural philosopher, 1773-1829 / 1
Q 143 .Z83 V12 V dar na As︠i︠en' Zlatarov : jubileen cbornik. 1
Q145 .C48 Chinese science.
East Asian science, technology, and medicine.
Q145 .D52 Who's who of British scientists. 1
Q145 .D56 Directory of physics & astronomy faculties in North American colleges & universities / 1
Q145 .I512 Current contents address directory. 1
Q145 .I52 The International scientist's directory. 1
Q145 .N3 The Naturalists' directory. 1
Q145 .R46 1962 Répertoire des scientifiques français. 1
Q145 .R48 1995 The reverse directory of the sciences. 1
Q145 .S35 Scientific and technical organizations and agencies directory. 1
Q145 .S4 The Naturalists' directory and almanac (international)
The Naturalists' directory, international.
The Naturalist's directory.
Q145 .W48 Who's who in Indian science. 1
Q145 .W5 Who's who in science in Europe. 1
Q145 .W62 Who's who of British scientists. 1
Q147 The ultimate student's guide to scientific research /
Science, industry and society : studies in the sociology of science /
Scientific Research As a Career.
Experts in Science and Society
A survival guide for research scientists /
How to be a successful scientist : a guide for graduate students, postdocs, and professors /
Q147 .A4 Attitudes of certain high school seniors toward science and scientific careers. 1
Q147 .A43 The high school seniors, two years later. 1