Call Number (LC) Title Results
Q164 ebook Pequeñ@s-grandes científic@s : experimentamos con el agua, el aire, los fenómenos atmosféricos, el sol y la luna y el tiempo /
Experimentos para entender el mundo /
Q167 Science with street value a physicist's wanderings off the beaten track / 1
Q167 .A55 Annals of improbable research. 1
Q167 .B47 1983 The Best of the Journal of irreproducible results : "improbable investigations & unfounded findings" / 2
Q167 .B66 1993 The Book of scientific anecdotes / 1
Q167 .D76 1987 Droll science : being a treasury of whimsical characters, laboratory levity, and scholarly follies / 2
Q167 .G67 1988 The man with no endorphins : and other reflections on science / 1
Q167 .G73 2002 Eurekas and euphorias : the Oxford book of scientific anecdotes / 2
Q167 .G738 2007 Eurekas and Euphorias : the Oxford Book of Scientific Anecdotes. 1
Q167 .J68 The Journal of irreproducible results. 1
Q167.L47 2010eb Pourquoi les mouches aiment-elles les crottes? 1
Q167 .M5 1999 Mission to Abisko : stories and myths in the creation of scientific "truth" / 1
Q167 .M67 1982 More random walks in science : an anthology /
More random walks in science /
Q167 .O46 1982 Omni's Continuum : dramatic phenomena from the new frontiers of science / 2
Q167 .S34 1992 Science with a smile : an anthology / 1
Q167 .S35 Scientific quotations : the harvest of a quiet eye / 1
Q167 .S56 2002eb Science askew : a light-hearted look at the scientific world / 1
Q167 .S8 Fröhliche wissenschaft : kleine expedition ins reich der amüsanten probleme. 1
Q167 .T46 2009 The barking tree frog and other curious tales / 1
Q167 .W42 A random walk in science / 1