Call Number (LC) Title Results
Q180.U5 A684 no.2002-5 Interval estimation for true scores under various scale transformations / 1
Q180.U5 A684 no.2003-1 The effects of using ACT composite score and high school average on college admission decisions for racial/ethnic groups / 1
Q180.U5 A684 no. 2004-5 IRT scale linking methods for mixed-format tests /
IRT scale linking methods for mixed-format tests
Q180.U5 A684 no.2005-1 School-level benefits of using PLAN over time / 1
Q180.U5 A69 Sponsored research in American universities and colleges / 1
Q180.U5 A75 Scientific research expenditures by the larger private foundations / 1
Q180.U5 A87 2003 Assessing research-doctorate programs : a methodology study / 1
Q180.U5 A87 2003eb Assessing research-doctorate programs : a methodology study / 1
Q180.U5 B25 The politics of research / 1
Q180.U5 B56 The brain bank of America : an inquiry into the politics of science / 2
Q180.U5 B68 1994 University-business partnerships : an assessment / 1
Q180.U5 C37 1999 Capitalizing on investments in science and technology / 1
Q180.U5 C43 2013 On the frontier of science : an American rhetoric of exploration and exploitation / 3
Q180.U5 C52 Peer review in the National Science Foundation : phase one of a study : prepared for the Committee on Science and Public Policy of the National Academy of Sciences / 1
Q180.U5 C53 1964 Administration of research and development grants: Study number I. : Report of the Select Committee on Government Research of the House of Representatives, Eighty-eighth Congress, second session, under the athority of H. Res. 504. 1
Q180.U5 C565 Research proposals submitted and research awards received [quarterly report] / 1
Q180.U5 C62 Research reporter. 1
Q180.U5 C64 Colorado research and development directory / 1
Q180.U5 C66 1965 Research program effectiveness : proceedings / 1
Q180.U5 C68 Research, U. S. A. : knowledge for the future / 1