Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
Q223 .F73 2012eb | Visual strategies : a practical guide to graphics for scientists & engineers / | 3 |
Q223 .G35 2021 | Science and diplomacy : negotiating essential alliances / | 1 |
Q223 .G37 1979 |
Communication, the essence of science facilitating information exchange among librarians, scientists, engineers, and students / Communication, the essence of science : facilitating information exchange among librarians, scientists, engineers, and students / |
2 |
Q223 .G563 2023eb | Global rhetorics of science / | 1 |
Q223 .G67 2015eb | Scientific Babel : how science was done before and after global English / | 2 |
Q223 .G72 | Scientific information / | 2 |
Q223 .G76 1970b | Science and technology : an introduction to the literature / | 1 |
Q223 .G77 1990 | The rhetoric of science / | 1 |
Q223 .G772 2014 | Science from sight to insight : how scientists illustrate meaning / | 1 |
Q223 .G773 2006 | Starring the text : the place of rhetoric in science studies / | 1 |
Q223 .G783 2019 | The Routledge Handbook of Language and Science | 1 |
Q223 .H344 2008 | Handbook of public communication of science and technology / | 1 |
Q223 .H345 1998 | Handbook of science communication / | 1 |
Q223 .H36 2020 | Effective scientific communication : the other half of science / | 1 |
Q223 .H37 2010 | The craft of scientific communication / | 1 |
Q223 .H37 2010eb | The craft of scientific communication / | 2 |
Q223 .H394 | Planning for innovation : a comparative study of the literature on the dissemination and utilization of scientific knowledge / | 1 |
Q223 .H42 | A brief guide to sources of scientific and technical information. | 1 |
Q223 .H422 | Exhibits of sources of scientific and technical information / | 1 |
Q223 .H535 2022 | The new art of old public science communication : the science slam / | 1 |