Call Number (LC) Title Results
Q225.5 .S35 2007 The scientific literature : a guided tour / 1
Q225.5 .T38 2017 Science writing in Greco-Roman antiquity / 2
Q225.5 .W35 2006 Sins against science : the scientific media hoaxes of Poe, Twain, and others / 1
Q225.5 .Z85 2017 Zwischen Literatur und Naturwissenschaft : Debatten - Probleme - Visionen 1680-1820 /
Zwischen Literatur und Naturwissenschaft : Debatten -- Probleme -- Visionen 1680-1820 /
Q226 Language change and nineteenth-century science : new words, new worlds / 1
Q226 .B47 2020 The multilingual challenge for the construction and transmission of scientific knowledge / 2
Q226 .E97 2002 Experimenting in tongues : studies in science and language / 1
Q226 .M658 2013eb  
Q226 .O94 1998 Overcoming the language barrier : problems of interdisciplinary dialogue : proceedings of an international roundtable meeting, sponsored by the Center for Frontier Sciences at Temple University, May 14-17, 1997 / 1
Q226 .S37 2002 Translating the world : science and language / 1
Q226 ebook La traducción y la interpretación en las relaciones jurídicas internacionales
La escuela de Nueva York John Ashbery y la nueva poética americana /
El lenguaje de la ciencia y la tecnología
Q230.01 O The Oxford companion to Christian thought / 1
Q273 .L82 1898 Electrolysis and electrosynthesis of organic compounds / 1
Q282.03 N New Catholic encyclopedia / 24
Q286.E43 K43 2014 My Kindle Fire HDX / 1
Q289.8/B The Shakers : hands to work, hearts to God : the history and visions of the United Society of Believers in Christ's Second Appearing from 1774 to the Present / 1
Q295 Unifying themes in complex systems. proceedings of the First International Conference on Complex Systems /
Applied systems theory
Systemic decision making : fundamentals for addressing problems and messes /
Immersive systemic knowing advancing systems thinking beyond rational analysis /
Methodology of complex activity foundations of understanding and modelling /
System Modeling and Optimization Proceedings of the 10th IFIP Conference New York City, USA, August 31 - September 4, 1981 /
Linked : the new science of networks /
Control Systems with Actuator Saturation Analysis and Design /
Declarative models of concurrent cyclic processes /
Dynamics of asymmetric dissipative systems : from traffic jam to collective motion /
The science of synthesis : exploring the social implications of general systems theory /
Imagery synergetics : science of cooperation /
Systems research I essays in honor of Yasuhiko Takahara on systems theory and modeling /
Systems research II essays in honor of Yasuhiko Takahara on systems management theory and practice /
Making better decisions using systems thinking : how to stop firefighting, deal with root causes and deliver permanent solutions /
A primer on complex systems : with applications to astrophysical and laboratory plasmas /
General systemology : transdisciplinarity for discovery, insight and innovation.
Fundamentals of complex networks : models, structures, and dynamics /
Systems science theory, analysis, modeling, and design /
Mathematical methods in modern complexity science
Nonlinear dynamics a concise introduction interlaced with code /
Advances in social simulation : proceedings of the 16th Social Simulation Conference, 20-24 September 2021 /
Introduction to the theory of complex systems /
Deterministic nonlinear systems : a short course /
Applied systems and cybernetics : proceedings of the international congress on applied systems research and cybernetics.
An introduction to complex systems : making sense of a changing world? /
Systemic thinking : fundamentals for understanding problems and messes /
Facets of Systems Science
H ∞ Engineering and Amplifier Optimization
Architecture of Systems Problem Solving /
Control and Modeling of Complex Systems : Cybernetics in the 21st Century Festschrift in Honor of Hidenori Kimura on the Occasion of his 60th Birthday /
Advances in Dynamic Games and Applications /
Control and Chaos /
Finite Horizon H∞ and Related Control Problems
Deterministic and Stochastic Optimal Control /
The Simulation Metamodel /
Computer Systems for Process Control /
Object-Oriented Discrete-Event Simulation with Java : a Practical Introduction /
Matrix Riccati Equations in Control and Systems Theory
Computational Optimal Control /
An index : (and other useful information) /
Hybrid dynamical systems : observation and control /
Decision making and knowledge decision support systems : VIII International Conference of RACEF, Barcelona, Spain, November 2013 and International Conference MS 2013, Chania Crete, Greece, November 2013 /
Emergent nested systems : a theory of understanding and influencing complex systems as well as case studies in urban systems /
Principles of systems science /
Annals of Systems Research : Publikatie van de Systeemgroep Nederland Publication of the Netherlands Society for Systems Research /
Annals of Systems Research : Volume 7 /
Smart decisions in complex systems /
Annals of Systems Research : VOLUME 6,1977 /
Applied systems theory /
Controllability, identification, and randomness in distributed systems /
Realization and model reduction of dynamical systems : a festschrift in honor of the 70th birthday of Thanos Antoulas /
Error systems concepts, theory and applications /
Proceedings of ECCS 2014 : European Conference on Complex Systems /
Modelling and performance analysis of cyclic systems
Systemics of incompleteness and quasi-systems /
Foundations of Deterministic and Stochastic Control /
Modeling and visualization of complex systems and enterprises : explorations of physical, human, economic, and social phenomena /
Optimization Techniques an Introduction /
Determinism and self-organization of human perception and performance
Complex networks in software, knowledge, and social systems /
From Collective Beings to Quasi-Systems /
The Combinatory Systems Theory : Understanding, Modeling and Simulating Collective Phenomena /
Organic computing -- technical systems for survival in the real world /
Complex systems : spanning control and computational cybernetics : applications : dedicated to Professor Georgi M. Dimirovski on his anniversary /
15th Chaotic Modeling and Simulation International Conference
14th Chaotic Modeling and Simulation International Conference
Systems mapping : how to build and use causal models of systems /
How systems form and how systems break : a beginner's guide for studying the world /
Grey data analysis methods, models and applications /
Multiplicity of time scales in complex systems challenges for sciences and communication.
Monitoring, Controlling and Architecture of Cyber Physical Systems : Their Applications in Aerospace, Robotics, Manufacturing Systems, Mechanical Engineering, Biomechatronics, Neurorehabilitation and Human Motility.
Multiple systems complexity and coherence in ecosystems, collective behavior, and social systems /
Annals of Systems Research : Publikatie van de Systeemgroep Nederland / Publication of the Netherlands Society for Systems Research /
Variational Methods for Free Surface Interfaces : Proceedings of a Conference Held at Vallombrosa Center, Menlo Park, California, September 7-12, 1985 /
Systems science for engineers and scholars /
Systems Theory and Practice in the Knowledge Age
Modeling and Simulation: Theory and Practice a Memorial Volume for Professor Walter J. Karplus (1927-2001) /
Innovative systems approach for designing smarter world
Model reduction of complex dynamical systems
Applied cyber-physical systems /
Efficiency in complex systems : self-organization towards increased efficiency /
INTRODUCTION TO SYSTEMS PHILOSOPHY toward a new paradigm of contemporary thought.
Fundamentals of Complex Networks : Models, Structures and Dynamics.
Lancelot a Fortran Package for Large-Scale Nonlinear Optimization (Release A) /
Information and Collaboration Models of Integration /
Information and Reflection : On some Problems of Cybernetics and how Contemporary Dialectical Materialism Copes with Them /
Reduction of Nonlinear Control Systems a Differential Geometric Approach /
Discrete Linear Control Systems
Geometrical Methods for the Theory of Linear Systems : Proceedings of a NATO Advanced Study Institute and AMS Summer Seminar in Applied Mathematics held at Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass., June 18-29, 1979 /
Advances in Time-Delay Systems /
Systems Thinking for Management Consultants Introducing Holistic Flexibility /
Feedback Strategies for Partially Observable Stochastic Systems
Optimization and Optimal Control Proceedings of a Conference Held at Oberwolfach, March 16-22, 1980 /
Piecewise Constant Orthogonal Functions and Their Application to Systems and Control
Systems thinkers
ISCS 2013 : Interdisciplinary Symposium on Complex Systems /
Q295 .A34 2011 Nonlinear hybrid continuous/discrete-time models 1
Q295 .A38 2010 Advances in grey systems research 1
Q295 .A43 2001 Advances in mathematical systems theory : a volume in honor of Diederich Hinrichsen / 1