Call Number (LC) Title Results
Q310 .K5213 1967a Cybernetic modelling : [by] Jĭrí Klír [and] Miroslav Valach. English translation edited by W.A. Ainsworth. 1
Q310 .K68 1966 Russian-English dictionary and reader in the cybernetical sciences : with a selected bibliography of Soviet publications in the cybernetical sciences. 1
Q310 .K87 2017eb Application of new cybernetics in physics 1
Q310 .K93 v.34, no.1/2 2005eb Kybernetes the international journal of systems & cybernetics. / 1
Q310 .L35 Lexikon der Kybernetik / 1
Q310 .L413 1968 Encyclopaedia of cybernetics. / 1
Q310 .M35 2017 The nature of the machine and the collapse of cybernetics : a transhumanist lesson for emerging technologies / 1
Q310 .N48 1992 New perspectives on cybernetics : self-organization, autonomy and connectionism / 1
Q310 .N48 1992eb New perspectives on cybernetics : self-organization, autonomy, and connectionism / 1
Q310 .P35 An approach to cybernetics / 1
Q310 .P35 1968 An approach to cybernetics / 1
Q310 .P53 2010 The cybernetic brain : sketches of another future / 1
Q310 .P53 2010eb The cybernetic brain : sketches of another future / 1
Q310 .S45 1990 Self-steering and cognition in complex systems : toward a new cybernetics / 1
Q310 .S75 1965 Automat und Mensch : kybernetische Tatsachen und Hypothesen. 1
Q310 -- S97 2006eb Systems, Cybernetics and Innovations, Volume 35, Issue 7\8. 1
Q310 .S97 pt.1 2002eb Systems and cybernetics. new theories and applications / 1
Q310 .T33 Computers and common sense: the myth of thinking machines.
Computers and common sense : the myth of thinking machines.
Q310 .U556 2019 Unintended Consequences. 1
Q310 .V36 1974 The way things work book of the computer : an illustrated encyclopedia of information science, cybernetics, and data processing / 2