Call Number (LC) Title Results
Q80.I7 R42 Rehovoth. 1
Q80.I7 R488 A walk through the garden of science : a profile of the Weizmann Institute. 1
Q80.I78 R45 Scientific activities / 1
Q80.P3 P38a Biennial report - Pakistan Council of Scientific and Industrial Research. 1
Q81 .W86e 1941 Enriched teaching of science in the high school : a source book for teachers of general science, biology, physics, chemistry, and other sciences, listing chiefly free and low cost illustrative and supplementary materials / 1
Q85 .C22 Transactions of the Royal Society of South Africa. 1
Q85 .N3 Annals of the Natal Museum. 1
Q85 .R4 Transactions of the Zimbabwe Scientific Association.
Transactions of the Rhodesia Scientific Association.
Proceedings and transactions of the Rhodesia Scientific Association.
Proceedings - Rhodesia Scientific Association.
Q85 .R45 1967a Abstracts of proceedings / 1
Q85 .R467 Proceedings and transactions of the Rhodesia Scientific Association. 1
Q85 .S5 South African journal of science. 1
Q85.8 .C55 Cimbebasia : journal of the State Museum, Windhoek. 1
Q87 .S7 Studies in journalism and communications. 1
Q89 .D3 Annales. 1
Q93 Icon in Crisis : the reinvention of CSIRO. 1
Q93 .C644 2002 Fields of discovery : Australia's CSIRO / 2
Q93 .C66 1988 The Commonwealth of science : ANZAAS and the scientific enterprise in Australasia, 1888-1988 / 1
Q93 .N58 Journal of the Royal Society of New Zealand. 1
Q93 .N59 Proceedings of the Royal Society of New Zealand. 1
Q93 .N62 Transactions of the Royal Society of New Zealand. 1