Call Number (LC) Title Results
QA10.35 .M374 2018eb Disorder in domain theory / 1
QA10.4 Information geometry and its applications : on the occasion of Shun-ichi Amari's 80th Birthday, IGAIA IV Liblice, Czech Republic, June 2016 /
Information geometry and its applications /
Performance Analysis and Modeling of Digital Transmission Systems /
Mathematics of information : theory and applications of Shannon-Wiener information /
QA10.4 .M35 2005 Information theory and stochastics for multiscale nonlinear systems /
Information theory and stochastics for multiscale nonlinear systems
QA10.4 .R83 1987 Mind tools : the five levels of mathematical reality / 3
QA10.5 Computer-enabled mathematics : integrating experiment and theory in teacher education /
The profession of modeling and simulation : discipline, ethics, education, vocation, societies, and economics /
Unlocking creativity in solving novel mathematics problems : cognitive and non-cognitive approaches /
Research trends in mathematics teacher education /
Cases of mathematics professional development in East Asian Countries : using video to support grounded analysis /
A focus on multiplication and division : bringing research to the classroom /
Borders in mathematics pre-service teacher education
Teacher noticing of pre-service and in-service secondary mathematics teachers : influences of teaching experience, cognitive demands, and teaching internships on perception, interpretation, and decision-making /
Taking action : implementing effective mathematics teaching practices in grades 6-8 /
International perspectives on teacher knowledge, beliefs and opportunities to learn : TEDS-M results /
A focus on multiplication and division : bringing mathematics education research to the classroom /
Learning trajectories for teachers : designing effective professional development for math instruction /
QA10.5 .A15 1996 101 careers in mathematics / 1
QA10.5 .A15 2014eb 101 careers in mathematics / 2
QA10.5 .A15 2019 101 careers in mathematics / 1
QA10.5 .A46 2019 Teaching mathematics in the visible learning classroom, high school /
Teaching mathematics in the visible learning classroom : high school /
QA10.5 .B46 2012 Ratio and proportion : research and teaching in mathematics teachers' education (pre- and in-service mathematics teachers of elementary and middle school classes) /
Ratio and proportion research and teaching in mathematics teachers' education (pre- and in-service mathematics teachers of elementary and middle school classes) /
QA10.5 .B67 2015 Mathematics professional development : improving teaching using the problem-solving cycle and leadership preparation models / 1
QA10.5 .B67 2015eb Mathematics professional development : improving teaching using the problem-solving cycle and leadership preparation models / 1
QA10.5 .B74 2015eb Top STEM careers in math / 1
QA10.5 .B87 2002eb Careers for number crunchers & other quantitative types / 1
QA10.5 C37 2005eb Careers in mathematics : teacher, statistician, actuary, operations research, computer programmer, systems analyst. 1
QA10.5 .C69 2006eb Teaching mathematics : a handbook for primary and secondary school teachers / 1
QA10.5 .D38 1997 Mathematical encounters of the second kind / 2
QA10.5 .E97 2014 Exploring mathematics and science teachers' knowledge : windows into teacher thinking / 2
QA10.5 .I58 2020 The international handbook of mathematics teacher education. 1
QA10.5 .K46 2005 Change is possible : stories of women and minorities in mathematics / 1