Call Number (LC) Title Results
QA13 .P465 1999 Perspectives on Latinos / 1
QA13 .P468 2000 Perspectives on multiculturalism and gender equity / 1
QA13 .P47 1996 A perspective on reform in mathematics and science education / 1
QA13 .P48 1999 Perspectives on Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders / 1
QA13 .P53 Effects of special instruction for three kinds of mathematics aptitude items / 1
QA13 .P67 2013 What Successful Math Teachers Do, Grades 6-12 : 80 Research-Based Strategies for the Common Core-Aligned Classroom. 1
QA13 .P67 2013eb What successful math teachers do, grades 6-12 : 80 research-based strategies for the common core-aligned classroom / 1
QA13 .P695 2019 A practical guide to teaching mathematics in the secondary school / 2
QA13 .P72 2005 Preparing mathematics and science teachers for diverse classrooms : promising strategies for transformative pedagogy / 1
QA13 .P72 2005eb Preparing mathematics and science teachers for diverse classrooms : promising strategies for transformative pedagogy / 3
QA13.P73 1 Preserving Strength While Meeting Challenges : Summary Report of a Workshop on Actions for the Mathematical Sciences. 1
QA13 .P73 1997eb Preserving strength while meeting challenges summary report of a workshop on actions for the mathematical sciences / 1
QA13 .P737 2014eb Principles to actions : ensuring mathematical success for all. 1
QA13 .P75 1996 A perspective on reform in mathematics and science education / 1
QA13 .P86 2015 Effective content reading strategies to develop mathematical and scientific literacy : supporting the common core state standards and the next generation science standards / 1
QA13 .R36 2003 Mathematical proficiency for all students : toward a strategic research and development program in mathematics education / 1
QA13 .R36 2003eb Mathematical proficiency for all students toward a strategic research and development program in mathematics education /
Mathematical proficiency for all students : toward a strategic research and development program in mathematics education /
QA13 .R437 1995 Reform in school mathematics and authentic assessment / 1
QA13 .R437 1995eb Reform in school mathematics and authentic assessment / 3
QA13 .R438 1994 Reforming mathematics education in America's cities : the urban mathematics collaborative project / 1