Call Number (LC) Title Results
QA152.2 .S95 1975b A programmed guide to accompany Fundamentals of algebra and trigonometry, 3rd ed., by Earl W. Swokowski / 1
QA152.2 .S967 1978 Fundamentals of algebra and trigonometry / 1
QA152.2 .W435 1998 Algebra and trigonometry : a view of the world around us / 1
QA152.2 .Z33 2001 Real world algebra : understanding the power of mathematics / 1
QA152.2 ebook Álgebra
Solucionario de Baldor : los 6400 problemas del Algebra de Baldor, resueltos /
QA152.3 Algebra & geometry : an introduction to university mathematics /
Categories, algebraic structures, linear and homological algebra /
From rings and modules to Hopf algebras : one flew over the algebraist's nest /
Algebra II : textbook for students of mathematics /
Trishna's IIT JEE super course in mathematics.
Topics in algebra and analysis : preparing for the Mathematical Olympiad /
Algebra, analysis, and associated topics /
Esercizi scelti di Algebra.
Algebra 1 : groups, rings, fields and arithmetic /
Algebra 2 : linear algebra, Galois theory, representation theory, group extensions and Schur multiplier /
Algebra I : textbook for students of mathematics /
Algebra for applications cryptography, secret sharing, error-correcting, fingerprinting, compression /
Algebra, geometry, and physics in the 21st century : Kontsevich Festschrift /
Real algebra : a first course /
Algebra : a teaching and source book /
Algebra for applications : cryptography, secret sharing, error-correcting, fingerprinting, compression /
QA152.3 .A24 2021 Algebra for parents : a book for grown-ups about middle school mathematics / 1
QA152.3 .A27 2017 The learning and teaching of algebra : ideas, insights. and activities / 1
QA152.3 .B74 2019 Undergraduate algebra a unified approach / 1
QA152.3 .C86 2013eb Learning modern algebra : from early attempts to prove Fermat's last theorem / 1
QA152.3 .H93 2019 Sets, groups, and mappings : an introduction to abstract mathematics / 1
QA152.3 .L36 2005eb Undergraduate algebra 1
QA152.3 M354 2021  
QA152.3 M354 2022  
QA152.3 .M66 2011  
QA152.3 .S38 2017eb Just in time. 1
QA152.3 .S4813 2003 Discourses on algebra / 1
QA152.3 ebook Iniciación al álgebra elemental /
Apuntes de matemática básica /
QA153 .B3 First lessons in algebra : being an easy introduction to that science; designed for the use of academies and common schools / 1
QA154 .A33 1992 Algebra : an approach via module theory / 1