Call Number (LC) Title Results
QA176 .A446 2015eb Algorithmic problems of group theory, their complexity, and applications to cryptography / 1
QA176 .A45 1998 Algebraic groups and their representations / 1
QA176 .A454 2015 Algorithmic problems of group theory, their complexity, and applications to cryptography / 1
QA176 .A46 1995 Groups and Representations.
Groups and representations /
Groups and representations
QA176 .A47 2004 Representations of algebraic groups, quantum groups and Lie algebras : AMS-IMS-SIAM Joint Summer Research Conference, July 11-15, 2004, Snowbird Resort, Snowbird, Utah / 1
QA176 .A47 2004eb Representations of algebraic groups, quantum groups and Lie algebras : AMS-IMS-SIAM Joint Summer Research Conference, July 11-15, 2004, Snowbird Resort, Snowbird, Utah / 1
QA176 .A476 2012 Noncommutative birational geometry, representations and combinatorics : AMS Special Session on Noncommutative Birational Geometry, Representations and Cluster Algebras, January 6-7, 2012, Boston, MA / 1
QA176 .A476 2012eb Noncommutative birational geometry, representations and combinatorics : AMS Special Session on Noncommutative Birational Geometry, Representations and Cluster Algebras, January 6-7, 2012, Boston, MA / 1
QA176 .A485 2013eb Recent advances in representation theory, quantum groups, algebraic geometry, and related topics : AMS Special Sessions on Geometric and Algebraic Aspects of Representation Theory and Quantum Groups, and Noncommutative Algebraic Geometry, October 13-14, 2012, Tulane University, New Orleans, Louisiana / 1
QA176 .A53 1994 Representations of quantum groups at Ap-TH root of unity and of semisimple groups in characteristic p:independence of p / 1
QA176 .A7513 2002 Representations of quantum algebras and combinatorics of Young tableaux / 1
QA176 .B45 2020 Unitary representations of groups, duals, and characters / 1
QA176 .B47 2007eb Representations of linear groups an introduction based on examples from physics and number theory / 1
QA176 .B66 2006 Sur les caractères des groupes réductifs finis à centre non connexe : applications aux groupes spéciaux linéaires et unitaires / 1
QA176 .B74 2002 Lectures on algebraic quantum groups / 1
QA176 .B74 2011eb Towards a modulo p Langlands correspondence for GL2 / 1
QA176 .B74 2012eb Towards a modulo p Langlands correspondence for GL₂ 1
QA176 .B76 1993 Représentations unipotentes génériques et blocs des groupes réductifs finis / 1
QA176 .B76 2002 Lectures on algebraic quantum groups / 1
QA176 .B78 2008 Representations of shifted Yangians and finite W-algebras / 2