QA176 .B45 2020
Unitary representations of groups, duals, and characters / |
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QA176 .B47 2007eb
Representations of linear groups an introduction based on examples from physics and number theory / |
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QA176 .B66 2006
Sur les caractères des groupes réductifs finis à centre non connexe : applications aux groupes spéciaux linéaires et unitaires / |
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QA176 .B74 2002
Lectures on algebraic quantum groups / |
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QA176 .B74 2011eb
Towards a modulo p Langlands correspondence for GL2 / |
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QA176 .B74 2012eb
Towards a modulo p Langlands correspondence for GL₂ |
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QA176 .B76 1993
Représentations unipotentes génériques et blocs des groupes réductifs finis / |
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QA176 .B76 2002
Lectures on algebraic quantum groups / |
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QA176 .B78 2008
Representations of shifted Yangians and finite W-algebras / |
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QA176 .B87 2006
The local Langlands conjecture for GL(2) / |
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QA176 .B87 2006eb
The local Langlands conjecture for GL(2) |
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QA176 .B88 2014
To an effective local Langlands correspondence / |
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QA176 .C43 2010eb
Representation theory of the symmetric groups : the Okounkov-Vershik approach, character formulas, and partition algebras / |
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QA176 .C45 2009
Blocks and families for cyclotomic Hecke algebras / |
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QA176 .C4656 2002
Group representation theory for physicists / |
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QA176 .C49 2005
Double affine Hecke algebras / |
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QA176 .C49 2005eb
Double affine Hecke algebras / |
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QA176 .C66 2001
Combinatorial and geometric representation theory : an international conference on combinatorial and geometric representation theory, October 22-26, 2001, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea / |
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QA176 .C66 2003
Combinatorial and geometric representation theory : an international conference on combinatorial and geometric representation theory, October 22-26, 2001, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea / |
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QA176 .C665 2019
Lie groups, number theory, and vertex algebras : conference on Representation Theory XVI, June 24-29, 2019, Inter-University Center, Dubrovnik, Croatia / |
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