Call Number (LC) Title Results
QA242.5 .M67 2010eb On the cohomology of certain noncompact Shimura varieties / 2
QA242.5 .O45 2015eb O-minimality and diophantine geometry / 1
QA242.5 .P553 2022 Point-counting and the Zilber-Pink conjecture / 2
QA242.5.R38 2015 Rational Points, Rational Curves, and Entire Holomorphic Curves on Projective Varieties. 1
QA242.5 .R38 2015 Rational points, rational curves, and entire holomorphic curves on projective varieties : CRM short thematic program rational points, rational curves, and entire holomorphic curves and algebraic varieties, June 3-28, 2013, Centre de Recherches Mathématiques, Université de Montréal, Québec, Canada / 1
QA242.5 .S36 2020 Berkeley lectures on p-adic geometry / 1
QA242.5 .S45 2020 Shimura varieties / 2
QA242.5 .S47 1989 Lectures on the Mordell-Weil theorem / 1
QA242.5 .S68 1992 Lectures on Arakelov geometry / 1
QA242.5 .S68 1994 Lectures on Arakelov geometry / 1
QA242.5 .W55 2015 O-minimality and diophantine geometry / 1
QA242.5 .Y83 2012eb The Gross-Zagier formula on Shimura curves / 2
QA242.5 .Y83 2013 The Gross-Zagier formula on Shimura curves / 1
QA242.5 QA242.5.B355 2007 Logarithmic Forms and Diophantine Geometry. 1
QA242.6 Arakelov geometry and diophantine applications /
Arakelov geometry over Adelic curves
Positivity in Arakelov geometry over Adelic curves Hilbert-Samuel formula and equidistribution theorem /
QA242.6 .B87 2014 Arithmetic geometry of toric varieties. metrics, measures and heights / 1
QA242.6 .M6713 2014 Arakelov geometry / 1
QA243 Stable Klingen vectors and paramodular newforms /
On the theory of Maass wave forms
Arthur's invariant trace formula and comparison of inner forms
Problems in the theory of modular forms /
Relative trace formulas /
Modular forms fundamental tools of mathematics /
Perfectoid spaces
Siegel modular forms : a classical and representation-theoretic approach /
Ternary quadratic forms and norms /
Geometric aspects of the trace formula /
QA243 .A12 2008 The 1-2-3 of modular forms : lectures at a summer school in Nordfjordeid, Norway / 1
QA243 .A12 2008eb The 1-2-3 of modular forms lectures at a summer school in Nordfjordeid, Norway / 1