Call Number (LC) Title Results
QA248 .A76 1992 Applications of category theory to fuzzy subsets / 1
QA248 .A83 2012 On intuitionistic fuzzy sets theory 1
QA248 .A95 1984 Axiomatic set theory / 2
QA248 .B34 1967 Transfinite Zahlen. 1
QA248 .B36 1992 Fuzzy data analysis / 1
QA248 .B374 1995 Set theory : on the structure of the real line / 1
QA248.B374 1995 Set Theory : On the Structure of the Real Line / 1
QA248 .B376 1996 Vicious circles : on the mathematics of non-wellfounded phenomena /
Vicious circles /
QA248 .B4 Axiomatic set theory / 1
QA248 .B43 1971eb Fundamentals of elementary mathematics : number systems and algebra / 1
QA248 .B44 Boolean-valued models and independence proofs in set theory / 1
QA248 .B44 1985 Boolean-valued models and independence proofs in set theory / 1
QA248 .B44 2005 Set theory : Boolean-valued models and independence proofs / 1
QA248 .B45 1982 Coding the Universe / 1
QA248 .B49 2022 A logical foundation for potentialist set theory / 2
QA248 .B537 1989eb Freyd's models for the independence of the axiom of choice / 1
QA248 .B55 2008 Set-theoretic methods in control / 1
QA248.B55 2008 Set-theoretic Methods in Control. 1
QA248 .B55 2008eb Set-theoretic methods in control 1
QA248 .B59 1984 Few-distance sets / 1