Call Number (LC) Title Results
QA251 .N45 1970 Linear algebra and matrix theory / 1
QA251 .N47 Special topics in algebra, universal algebra : lectures delivered in the fall semester 1961-62 / 1
QA251 .P25 Elements of linear algebra / 1
QA251 .P25 1961a Elements of linear algebra / 1
QA251 .P28 A geometric introduction to linear algebra. 1
QA251 .P58 2005 Dualisability : unary algebras and beyond / 2
QA251 .P6213 1994 Universal algebra, algebraic logic, and databases / 1
QA251 .P677 2003 Structural theory of automata, semigroups, and universal algebra / 1
QA251 .P76 2003eb Structural theory of automata, semigroups, and universal algebra 1
QA251 .R87 Mathematical programming and the numerical solution of linear equations
Mathematical programming and the numerical solution of linear equations /
QA251 .S26 Notes on Lie algebras. 1
QA251 .S287 Kongruenzrelationen algebraischer Strukturen / 1
QA251 .S3 1973 Matrices and linear algebra / 1
QA251 .S36 Linear algebra / 1
QA251 .S44 Modular Lie algebras / 1
QA251 .S47 1966 Algèbres de Lie semi-simples complexes. 1
QA251 .S48 Lie algebras and Lie groups : 1964 lectures given at Harvard University. 1
QA251 .S53 Synopsis of linear associative algebra : a report on its natural development and results reached up to the present time / 1
QA251 .S54 1966 Vector spaces of finite dimension / 1
QA251 .S55 Linear algebra / 1