Call Number (LC) Title Results
QA251.3 .A72 2005 Arithmetical properties of commutative rings and monoids / 1
QA251.3 .A93 Groups, rings, modules / 1
QA251.3 .B325 2009 Classical artinian rings and related topics / 2
QA251.3 .B34 1989 Commutative Noetherian and Krull rings / 1
QA251.3 .B378 1997eb Maximality properties in numerical semigroups and applications to one-dimensional analytically irreducible local domains / 1
QA251.3 .B425 1992 Fans, quasi-fans and their reduced Witt rings of higher level : Ring theory of higher level reduced Witt rings / 1
QA251.3 .B43 1993 Gröbner bases : a computational approach to commutative algebra / 1
QA251.3 .B45 1996 Rings with generalized identities / 1
QA251.3 .B46 2007 Homological and homotopical aspects of Torsion theories / 2
QA251.3 .B52 2002 Finite commutative rings and their applications / 1
QA251.3 .B55 1998 Topics in torsion theory / 1
QA251.3 .B68 2006 Ch. 8-9 Algèbre commutative. 1
QA251.3 .B68 2006eb Algèbre commutative. 2
QA251.3 .B68eb ch. 10 Algèbre commutative. 1
QA251.3 .B6812 2007 Algébra commutative. 1
QA251.3 .B6813 Commutative algebra. 2
QA251.3 .B6813 1989 Commutative algebra / 1
QA251.3 B72 1986 Linear systems over commutative rings / 1
QA251.3 .B72 2000 v. 213eb Function spaces, the fifth conference proceedings of the conference at Poznan, Poland. 1
QA251.3 .B78 Partially Ordered Rings and Semi-Algebraic Geometry / 1