Call Number (LC) Title Results
QA273 .K3 Einführung in die wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie / 1
QA273 .K316 Probability algebras and stochastic spaces /
Probability algebras and stochastic spaces
QA273 .K3215 1968 A first course in stochastic processes. 1
QA273 .K32213 1965 Suppl Tables of Lagrange interpolation coefficients : supplement to Tables of the function [mathematical function given] in the complex domain / 1
QA273 .K32213 1965a Tables of the function (Mathematical function given) in the complex domain / 1
QA273 .K32213 1965a Supp Tables of Lagrange interpolation coefficients : supplement to Tables of the function [mathematical function given] in the complex domain / 1
QA273 .K324 1972 Fourier analysis in probability theory.
Fourier analysis in probability theory
QA273 .K326 2006 Intuitive probability and random processes using MATLAB / 1
QA273 .K327 Green's function methods in probability theory. 1
QA273 .K33 Finite Markov chains / 1
QA273 .K34 The general one-dimensional random walk with absorbing barriers with applications to sequential analysis. 1
QA273 .K348 The passage problem for a stationary Markov chain. 1
QA273 .K35 1955 Rank correlation methods. 1
QA273 .K355 2005 Probabilistic symmetries and invariance principles / 1
QA273 .K42 Pathways to probability : history of the mathematics of certainty and chance / 1
QA273 .K47 1969 Mathematical methods in the theory of queueing / 1
QA273 .K488 2007 Probability / 1
QA273 .K4915 1966 Introdction to Measure and Probability / 1
QA273 .K494 2009  
QA273 .K52 Analysis and planning of experiments by the method of maximum likelihood / 1