Call Number (LC) Title Results
QA276.A2 Statistics and causality : methods for applied empirical research /
Testing statistical assumptions in research /
Causal inference in statistics : a primer /
Classic topics on the history of modern mathematical statistics : from Laplace to more recent times /
Mathematical statistics : an introduction to likelihood based inference /
Measuring agreement : models, methods, and applications /
Multiple time series modeling using the SAS VARMAX procedure /
Handbook of mixed membership models and their applications /
QA276.A2 C46 2017 Measuring agreement : models, methods, and applications / 1
QA276.A2 C468 2014 Measuring agreement : models, methods, and applications / 1
QA276.A2 C53 2018 Robustness theory and application / 3
QA276.A2 C678 1993 Computational aspects of model choice / 1
QA276.A2 D46 2023 M-statistics : optimal statistical inference for a small sample / 2
QA276.A2 .M55 2011eb Statistical data analysis : a practical guide / 1
QA276.A2 S28 1951 Tōkeiteki suiri / 1
QA276 .A22 1995 Statistics as principled argument / 1
QA276 .A22 1995eb Statistics as principled argument / 2
QA276 .A25 Analysis of straight-line data. 1
QA276 .A26 2005 Advances in minimum description length : theory and applications / 1
QA276 .A27 2004 Advances in survival analysis / 2
QA276 .A34 2013 Outlier analysis / 1
QA276 .A36 1968 Principles of statistical decision making / 1
QA276 .A36 2014eb Penalty, shrinkage and pretest strategies : variable selection and estimation / 1
QA276 .A38 2011 Advances in directional and linear statistics a festschrift for Sreenivasa Rao Jammalamadaka / 1
QA276 .A38 2012 Advances and challenges in space-time modelling of natural events
Advanced statistical methods for the analysis of large data-sets
QA276 .A38 2013 Advances in regression, survival analysis, extreme values, Markov processes and other statistical applications
Advances in theoretical and applied statistics
QA276 .A397 2005 Statistical modelling in GLIM 4 / 1