Call Number (LC) Title Results
QA277.3 .V65 2013eb Chi-squared goodness of fit tests with applications / 3
QA277.5 .E93 2015  
QA277.5 .P65 2008eb Observed confidence levels : theory and application / 1
QA277.5 .S39 2016 Confidence, likelihood, probability : statistical inference with confidence distributions / 2
QA278 Kernel smoothing : principles, methods and applications /
Multivariate analysis with LISREL /
Innovations in multivariate statistical modeling navigating theoretical and multidisciplinary domains /
Matrix-based introduction to multivariate data analysis /
Multivariate humanities
Multivariate dependencies models, analysis and interpretation /
Univariate stable distributions models for heavy tailed data /
Recent developments in multivariate and random matrix analysis Festschrift in honour of Dietrich von Rosen /
Methods in brain connectivity inference through multivariate time series analysis /
Functional data analysis with R /
Calculus and analysis in Euclidean space
The theory of statistical implicative analysis : or the implausibility of falsehood ... when the exception confirms the rule /
Multivariate kernel smoothing and its applications /
Multidimensional analysis and discrete models /
Advanced statistics for testing assumed casual relationships multiple regression analysis path analysis logistic regression analysis /
Categorical and nonparametric data analysis : choosing the best statistical technique /
Trends and challenges in categorical data analysis : statistical modelling and interpretation /
Non-asymptotic analysis of approximations for multivariate statistics
Structural equation modeling with AMOS : basic concepts, applications, and programming /
Modern directional statistics /
Introducción al análisis estadístico multivariado aplicado experiencia y casos en el Caribe colombiano /
Essentials of multivariate data analysis
A course in categorical data analysis /
Multivariate statistics made simple : a practical approach /
Multivariate extreme value theory and d-norms /
Multidimensional stationary time series dimension reduction and prediction /
Methods of multivariate analysis /
Multivariable calculus with MATLAB® : with applications to geometry and physics /
A multivariate claim count model for applications in insurance /
Multivariate, multilinear and mixed linear models /
Spectral clustering and biclustering : learning large graphs and contingency tables /
Cluster effects in mining complex data /
Analysis of Repeated Measures /
Nonlinear models for repeated measurement data /
Theoretical foundations of functional data analysis, with an introduction to linear operators /
Multivariable calculus with applications /
Building Data Science Teams.
Asymmetric kernel smoothing : theory and applications in economics and finance /
Multilevel modeling /
Lectures on dependency : selected topics in multivariate statistics /
K-means clustering theory algorithm implementation and scaling.
Multivariate statistical inference
Multi-indicator systems and modelling in partial order /
Statistical monitoring of complex multivariate processes with applications in industrial process control /
Classification and clustering : proceedings of an advanced seminar conducted by the Mathematics Research Center, the University of Wisconsin--Madison, May 3-5, 1976 /
Multivariate prediction, de Branges spaces, and related extension and inverse problems /
Modern algorithms of cluster analysis
Categorical data analysis
Longitudinal data analysis : autoregressive linear mixed effects models /
Categorical data analysis by example /
Data clustering : theory, algorithms, and applications /
Statistical monitoring of complex multivariate processes : with applications in industrial process control /
Robust and multivariate statistical methods : festschrift in honor of David E. Tyler /
MARS applications in geotechnical engineering systems : multi-dimension with big data /
Methods and applications of longitudinal data analysis /
Multivariate statistics : exercises and solutions /
Nearest Neighbor Methods for the Imputation of Missing Values in Low and High-Dimensional Data.
Applied multivariate statistical analysis /
Multivariate statistical analysis in the real and complex domains /
Applied multivariate statistical analysis
Intelligent numerical methods II : applications to multivariate fractional Calculus /
Data analysis, classification and the forward search proceedings of the Meeting of the Classification and Data Analysis Group (CLADAG) of the Italian Statistical Society, University of Parma, June 6-8, 2005 /
A beginner's guide to structural equation modeling /
Analysis of multivariate and high-dimensional data /
Measurement error in longitudinal data /
Measurement and multivariate analysis /
Structural equation modelling application for research and practice (with AMOS and R) /
An introduction to multivariate techniques for social and behavioural sciences /
Multiple Imputation of Missing Data in Practice : Basic Theory and Analysis Strategies.
Applied multivariate statistics with R /
The art of finding hidden risks : hidden regular variation in the 21st Century /
Modeling and analysis of compositional data /
Ordinal data analysis : statistical perspective with applications /
QA278. 57 1995eb Discrete multivariate analysis : theory and practice / 1
QA278.A1 Foundations of modern statistics : festschrift in honor of Vladimir Spokoiny, Berlin, Germany, November 6-8, 2019 / 1
QA278 .A27 1996 Advanced structural equation modeling : issues and techniques / 1
QA278 .A277 2001 Advances in classification and data analysis / 1
QA278 .A29 2009 Advances in multivariate statistical methods / 1
QA278 .A29 2009eb Advances in multivariate statistical methods / 1
QA278 .A33 1984 Computer-aided multivariate analysis / 1
QA278 .A33 1990 Computer-aided multivariate analysis / 1
QA278 .A33 1996 Computer-aided multivariate analysis / 1
QA278 .A33 2004 Computer-aided multivariate analysis / 1
QA278 .A33 2020 Matrix-based introduction to multivariate data analysis / 1
QA278 .A34 1972 Statistical analysis : a computer oriented approach /
Statistical analysis a computer oriented approach /
QA278 .A35 Analysis of Ordinal Categorical Data / 1
QA278 .A35 1984 Analysis of ordinal categorical data / 1
QA278 .A35 2010eb Analysis of ordinal categorical data 1