Call Number (LC) Title Results
QA297.55 Relaxed abduction : robust information interpretation for industrial applications /
Dynamic Relaxation Method. Theoretical Analysis, Solved Examples and Computer Programming.
QA297.55 .R68 1997 Relaxation in optimization theory and variational calculus / 1
QA297.55 .R68 2020 Relaxation in Optimization Theory and Variational Calculus / 1
QA297.6 .A36 2004 Least squares orthogonal distance fitting of curves and surfaces in space / 1
QA297.6 .A36 2004eb Least squares orthogonal distance fitting of curves and surfaces in space 1
QA297.6 .B69 1997 Applied smoothing techniques for data analysis : the kernel approach with S-Plus illustrations / 1
QA297.6 .D54 1993 Curve and surface fitting with splines / 1
QA297.6 .E44 2010 Control theoretic splines : optimal control, statistics, and path planning / 1
QA297.6 .E44 2010eb Control theoretic splines : optimal control, statistics, and path planning / 2
QA297.6 .F78 1967a A new technique for the optimal smoothing of data / 1
QA297.6 .I93 2004 Exponential fitting /
Exponential Fitting
QA297.6 .K254 2016 Ellipse fitting for computer vision : implementation and applications / 2
QA297.6 .M43 1969 Curve and surface fitting based on variational criteriae for smoothness / 1
QA297.6 .N64 1993 Practical curve fitting and data analysis : software and self-instruction for scientists and engineers / 1
QA297.6 .P73 1994 Practical handbook of curve fitting / 1
QA297.6 .R45 1992 C curve fitting and modeling for scientists and engineers / 1
QA297.6 .W36 1995 Kernel smoothing / 1
QA297.6 .W36 2011 Smoothing splines : methods and applications / 1
QA297.7 .W53 2008eb Quantization noise : roundoff error in digital computation, signal processing, control, and communications / 1