Call Number (LC) Title Results
QA299.6 .C656 Communications on pure and applied analysis. 1
QA299.6 .C6575 2000 Complex analysis and geometry : international conference in honor of Pierre Lelong / 1
QA299.6 .C6577 2001 Complex analysis and geometry : proceedings of a conference at the Ohio State University, June 3-6, 1999 / 1
QA299.6 .C658 2000 Complex analysis and related topics / 1
QA299.6 .C658 2000eb Complex analysis and related topics / 1
QA299.6 .C6585 2001 Computability and complexity in analysis : 4th international workshop, CCA 2000, Swansea, UK, September 17-19, 2000 : selected papers /
Computability and complexity in analysis : 4th international workshop, CCA 2000, Swansea, UK, September 17-19, 2000, selected papers /
QA299.6 .C66 1982 Conference in Modern Analysis and Probability / 3
QA299.6 .C66 1986eb Complex analysis, functional analysis, and approximation theory proceedings of the Conference on Complex Analysis and Approximation Theory, Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Brazil, 23-27 July, 1984 / 1
QA299.6 .C68 2010 The Courant-Friedrichs-Lewy (CFL) condition : 80 years after its discovery / 1
QA299.6 .E84 1983 Zum Werk Leonhard Eulers : Vorträge des Euler-Kolloquiums im Mai 1983 in Berlin / 1
QA299.6 .F56 2000 Finite or infinite dimensional complex analysis : proceedings of the seventh international colloquium / 1
QA299.6 .F56 2000eb Finite or infinite dimensional complex analysis : proceedings of the Seventh International Colloquium / 1
QA299.6 .G46 Geometric and functional analysis : GAFA. 1
QA299.6 .I34 2002 Analysis and optimization of differential systems : IFIP TC7/WG7.2 International Working Conference on Analysis and Optimization of Differential Systems, September 10-14, 2002, Constanta, Romania / 1
QA299.6 .I34 2002eb Analysis and optimization of differential systems : IFIP TC7/WG7.2 International Working Conference on Analysis and Optimization of Differential Systems, September 10-14, 2002, Constanta, Romania / 1
QA299.6 .I423 2017e International Conference and Workshop on Mathematical Analysis (ICWOMA 2017) : conference date, 2-3 August 2017 : location, Malang, Indonesia / 1
QA299.6 .I425 2016e International Conference on Analysis and Applied Mathematics (ICAAM 2016) : conference date, 7-10 September 2016 : location, Almaty, Kazakhstan / 1
QA299.6 .I425 2018e International Conference on Analysis and Applied Mathematics (ICAAM 2018) : conference date, 6-9 September 2018 : location, Mersin 10, Turkey / 1
QA299.6 .I43 2011 Applications of mathematics in engineering and economics (AMEE '11) proceedings of the 37th international conference : Sozopol, Bulgaria, 8-13 June 2011 / 1
QA299.6 .I43 2015e 41st International Conference "Applications of Mathematics in Engineering and Economics" AMEE '15 : Sozopol, Bulgaria, 8-13 June 2015 / 1