Call Number (LC) Title Results
QA3 .A57 no.1057 On central critical values of the degree four L-functions for GSp(4) : the fundamental lemma. 2
QA3 .A57 no. 1211 Elliptic PDEs on compact Ricci limit spaces and applications / 2
QA3 .A57 no.1267 Automorphisms of fusion systems of finite simple groups of Lie type / 1
QA3 .A57 no.1338 Naturality and mapping class groups in Heegard Floer homology / 1
QA3 .A57 no.1341 Intense automorphisms of finite groups / 1
QA3 .A57 no.1343 Non-kissing complexes and tau-tilting for gentle algebras / 1
QA3 .A57 no.1345 Cell complexes, poset topology and the representation theory of algebras arising in algebraic combinatorics and discrete geometry / 1
QA3 .A57 no.1346 Elliptic theory for sets with higher co-dimensional boundaries / 1
QA3 .A57 no.1353 Arthur packets for p-adic groups by way of microlocal vanishing cycles of perverse sheaves, with examples / 1
QA3 .A57 ser. 2, v. 184 Voronezh Winter Mathematical Schools : dedicated to Selim Krein / 1
QA3 .A57 v.26, no.233 QA613.62 All compact orientable three dimensional manifolds admit total foliations / 1
QA3 .A57 v.26, no.234 Q251.5 Affine representations of Grothendieck groups and applications to Rickart C*-algebras and [Hebrew]Alephâ‚€-continuous regular rings / 1
QA3 .A571 scr.2 v.179 Solitons, geometry, and topology : on the crossroad / 1
QA3 .A571 ser. 2, v.173 Topology of real algebraic varieties and related topics / 1
QA3 .A571 ser.2, v.174 Mathematics in St. Petersburg / 1
QA3 .A571 ser.2 v.187 Coherent transform, quantization and Poisson geometry / 1
QA3 .A571 ser.2. v.182 Nonlinear waves and weak turbulence / 1
QA3 .A572 American Mathematical Society translations. 1
QA3 .A572 Ser.2 V.169 Lie groups and lie algebras : E.B. Dynkin's seminar / 1
QA3 .A572 SER.2 V.170 Topics in topology and mathematical physics / 1