Call Number (LC) Title Results
QA3 .S84 1986 Sūgaku kisoron / 1
QA3 .S84 2013eb Jacob Steiner's gesammelte Werke : herausgegeben auf Veranlassung der königlich preussischen Akademie der Wissenschaften.
Jacob Steiner's gesammelte Werke.
QA3 .S85 Studies and essays presented to R. Courant on his 60th birthday, Jan. 8, 1948. 1
QA3 .S8525 Studies in mathematical analysis and related topics : essays in honor of George Pólya / 1
QA3 .S8527 Studies in mathematics. 1
QA3 .S853 Studies in mathematics and mechanics : presented to Richard von Mises by friends, colleagues, and pupils.
Studies in mathematics and mechanics presented to Richard von Mises by friends, colleagues, and pupils.
QA3 .S98 The collected mathematical papers of James Joseph Sylvester. 1
QA3 .S995 Collected mathematical papers / 1
QA3 .S996 1982 Collected papers / 1
QA3 .T34 1990 Collected papers / 1
QA3 .T37 1981 The collected works of Alfred Tarski. 1
QA3 .T47 1977 Selected mathematical papers of Axel Thue / 1
QA3 .T665 1988eb Existence theorems for minimal surfaces of non-zero genus spanning a contour / 1
QA3 .T678 1989eb Fibrations and bundles with Hilbert cube manifold fibers / 1
QA3 .T87 1992 Pure mathematics / 1
QA3 .U4 Stanislaw Ulam: sets, numbers, and universes : selected works / 1
QA3 .U45 no. 1 On numerical approximation : proceedings of a symposium conducted by the Mathematics Research Center, United States Army, at the University of Wisconsin, Madison, April 21-23, 1958. 1
QA3 .U45 no. 2 Boundary problems in differential equations : proceedings of a symposium conducted by the Mathematics Research Center at the University of Wisconsin, Madison, April 20-22, 1959. 1
QA3 .U45 no. 3 Figures of equilibrium of celestial bodies : with emphasis on problems of motion of artificial satellites. 1
QA3 .U45 no. 4 Frontiers of numerical mathematics : a symposium conducted by the Mathematics Research Center, United States Army and the National Bureau of Standards at the University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin, October 30 and 31, 1959. 1