Call Number (LC) Title Results
QA3 .S8 Oeuvres complètes de Thomas Jan Stieltjes / 1
QA3 .S8 1993 Œuvres complètes = Collected papers / 1
QA3 .S84 1986 Sūgaku kisoron / 1
QA3 .S84 2013eb Jacob Steiner's gesammelte Werke.
Jacob Steiner's gesammelte Werke : herausgegeben auf Veranlassung der königlich preussischen Akademie der Wissenschaften.
QA3 .S85 Studies and essays presented to R. Courant on his 60th birthday, Jan. 8, 1948. 1
QA3 .S8525 Studies in mathematical analysis and related topics : essays in honor of George Pólya / 1
QA3 .S8527 Studies in mathematics. 1
QA3 .S853 Studies in mathematics and mechanics presented to Richard von Mises by friends, colleagues, and pupils.
Studies in mathematics and mechanics : presented to Richard von Mises by friends, colleagues, and pupils.
QA3 .S98 The collected mathematical papers of James Joseph Sylvester. 1
QA3 .S995 Collected mathematical papers / 1
QA3 .S996 1982 Collected papers / 1
QA3 .T34 1990 Collected papers / 1
QA3 .T37 1981 The collected works of Alfred Tarski. 1
QA3 .T47 1977 Selected mathematical papers of Axel Thue / 1
QA3 .T665 1988eb Existence theorems for minimal surfaces of non-zero genus spanning a contour / 1
QA3 .T678 1989eb Fibrations and bundles with Hilbert cube manifold fibers / 1
QA3 .T87 1992 Pure mathematics / 1
QA3 .U4 Stanislaw Ulam: sets, numbers, and universes : selected works / 1
QA3 .U45 no. 1 On numerical approximation : proceedings of a symposium conducted by the Mathematics Research Center, United States Army, at the University of Wisconsin, Madison, April 21-23, 1958. 1
QA3 .U45 no. 2 Boundary problems in differential equations : proceedings of a symposium conducted by the Mathematics Research Center at the University of Wisconsin, Madison, April 20-22, 1959. 1