Call Number (LC) Title Results
QA31 .E8753 1998 Euclid in China : the genesis of the first Chinese translation of Euclid's Elements, books I-VI (Jihe yuanben, Beijing, 1607) and its reception up to 1723 / 1
QA31 .E8767 1569 Euclide Megarense acutissimo philosopho, solo introduttore delle scientie mathematice / 1
QA31 .E878 1987 The mediaeval Latin translation of Euclid's Elements : made directly from the Greek / 1
QA31 .E878 1992 Robert of Chester's (?) redaction of Euclid's Elements, the so-called Adelard II version / 1
QA31 .E8782 1977 The translation of the Elements of Euclid from the Arabic into Latin by Hermann of Carinthia (?), books VII-XII / 1
QA31 .E8782 1983 The first Latin translation of Euclid's Elements commonly ascribed to Adelard of Bath : books I-VIII and books X.36-XV.2 / 1
QA31.E9 A78 1999eb Euclid : the creation of mathematics / 1
QA31.E9 O5 1967 Khayyāmī-nāmah / 1
QA31 .E93 1657 Euclidis Data succinctè demonstrata unà cum emendationibus quibusdam & additionibus ad elementa Euclidis nuper edita / 2
QA31 .F39 Selections illustrating the history of Greek mathematics 1
QA31 .F75 2001 Apollonius of Perga's Conica : text, context, subtext / 1
QA31 .F75 2011 Edmond Halley's reconstruction of the lost book of Apollonius's Conics translation and commentary / 1
QA31 .H28 1969 Des Proklus Diadochus philosophische Anfangsbründe der Mathematik. : Nach den ersten zwei Büchern des Euklidkommentars dargestellt. 1
QA31 .H43 2014eb Diophantos of Alexandria : a study in the history of Greek algebra / 1
QA31 .H56 Heronis Alexandrini Metrica : accedunt partes quaedam selectae Codicis Constantinopolitani palatii veteris no. 1 / 1
QA31 .K59 The evolution of the Euclidean elements : a study of the theory of incommensurable magnitudes and its significance for early Greek geometry / 1
QA31 .M3 Zum Problem des Infinitesimalen bei den antiken Atomisten / 1
QA31 .N479 2007 The Archimedes codex : how a medieval prayer book is revealing the true genius of antiquity's greatest scientist / 1
QA31 .N48 2007eb The Archimedes Codex : how a medieval prayer book is revealing the true genius of antiquity's greatest scientist / 1
QA31.N6 A3 Introduction to arithmetic / 1