Call Number (LC) Title Results
QA312 Henstock-Kurzweil Integration On Euclidean Spaces.
Track-before-detect using expectation maximisation : the histogram probabilistic multi-hypothesis tracker: theory and applications /
Measure and measurable dynamics : proceedings of a conference in honor of Dorothy Maharam Stone, held September 17-19, 1987 /
Gaussian Measures in Hilbert Space : Construction and Properties /
Geometric harmonic analysis V : Fredholm theory and finer estimates for integral operators, with applications to boundary problems /
Integration theory /
Counterexamples in measure and integration /
Elementary Introduction to the Lebesgue Integral.
A course on integration theory : including more than 150 exercises with detailed answers /
The Kurzweil-Henstock integral for undergraduates : a promenade along the marvelous theory of integration /
A concise introduction to measure theory /
Variable Lebesgue spaces and hyperbolic systems /
Advanced Integration Theory /
Regular non-additive multimeasures : fundaments and applications /
Geometric measure theory and real analysis /
Combined measure and shift invariance theory of time scales and applications /
Measure theory, probability, and stochastic processes /
The Bochner integral /
Measure and integration /
Essentials of measure theory /
The dual of L[infinity symbol](X,l,[delta]), finitely additive measures and weak convergence a primer /
Geometric harmonic analysis.
Measure-theoretic calculus in abstract spaces : on the playground of infinite-dimensional spaces /
Essentials of integration theory for analysis /
Lebesgue integral /
Geometric measure theory and free boundary problems : Cetraro, Italy 2019 /
Set function T an account on F. B. Jones' contributions to topology /
Brakke's mean curvature flow : an introduction /
Measure theory and integration /
Introduction to measure theory and functional analysis /
Measure and integral /
QA312-312.5 High Dimensional Probability III /
Measure Theory and Probability /
Quasiconformal Mappings and Sobolev Spaces /
Non-Additive Measure and Integral /
Transformation of Measure on Wiener Space /
QA312 .A34 2004 Measure theory and filtering : introduction and applications / 1
QA312 .A34 2004eb Measure theory and filtering : introduction and applications / 1
QA312 .A42 2011eb Introduction to measure theory and integration 1
QA312 .A58 2005 Gradient flows : in metric spaces and in the space of probability measures / 2
QA312 .A58 2008 Gradient flows : in metric spaces and in the space of probability measures / 1
QA312 .A58 2008eb Gradient flows : in metric spaces and in the space of probability measures /
Gradient flows in metric spaces and in the space of probability measures /
QA312 .A64 1992 Radon integrals : an abstract approach to integration and Riesz representation through function cones / 1
QA312 .A64 1992eb Radon integrals : an abstract approach to integration and Riesz representation through function cones / 1
QA312 .A79 1972eb Measure, integration, and functional analysis 1
QA312 .A8 A first course in integration / 1
QA312 .A84 2006 Measure theory and probability theory / 2
QA312 .A85 2008 Measure & probability / 1
QA312 .B3 The elements of integration / 1
QA312 .B3 1995 The elements of integration and Lebesgue measure /
The elements of integration and Lebesgue measure
QA312 .B32 2001 A modern theory of integration / 1
QA312.B326 Selecta / 1
QA312 .B3262 2003 Selecta / 1
QA312 .B35 2002 A primer of Lebesgue integration / 1