Call Number (LC) Title Results
QA319 .I55 1995eb Interaction between functional analysis, harmonic analysis, and probability / 1
QA319 .I55 1996 Interaction between functional analysis, harmonic analysis, and probability / 1
QA319 .I58 1990eb Progress in functional analysis proceedings of the International Functional Analysis Meeting on the occasion of the 60th birthday of professor M. Valdivia, Peñíscola, Spain, 22-27 October 1990 / 1
QA319 .I58 2010 Spectral theory, mathematical system theory, evolution equations, differential and difference equations 21st International Workshop on Operator Theory and Applications, Berlin, July 2010 / 1
QA319 .I58 2012 Advances in ultrametric analysis : 12th International Conference on p-adic Functional Analysis, July 2-6, 2012, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada / 1
QA319 .I58 2012eb Advances in ultrametric analysis : 12th International Conference p-adic Functional Analysis, July 2-6, 2012, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Canada / 1
QA319 .I58 2014 Advances in non-Archimedean analysis : 13th International Conference on p-adic Functional Analysis, August 12-16, 2014, University of Paderborn, Paderborn, Germany / 1
QA319.I58 2014 Advances in Non-Archimedean Analysis. 1
QA319 .I585 2000 Recent progress in functional analysis : proceedings of the International Functional Analysis Meeting on the Occasion of the 70th Birthday of Professor Manuel Valdivia, Valencia, Spain, July 3-7, 2000 / 1
QA319 .I585 2000eb Recent progress in functional analysis proceedings of the International Functional Analysis Meeting on the Occasion of the 70th Birthday of Professor Manuel Valdivia, Valencia, Spain, July 3-7, 2000 / 1
QA319 .I59 2004eb Contemporary Aspects Of Complex Analysis, Differential Geometry And Mathematical Physics - Procs Of The 7th Int'l Workshop On Complex Structures And Vector Fields. 1
QA319 .M48 1986 Methods of functional analysis in approximation theory : proceedings of the international conference held at the Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay, December 16-20, 1985 / 1
QA319 .W67 1988 Workshop/Miniconference on Functional Analysis and Optimization : Canberra, 8-24 August, 1988 / 1
QA319 ebook Introducción al análisis funcional / 1
QA320 Functional analysis : an introduction to metric spaces, Hilbert spaces, and Banach algebras /
Functional analysis, Sobolev spaces, and calculus of variations /
Spectra and normal forms
Advances in functional analysis and fixed-point theory : an interdisciplinary approach /
A spectral theory of noncommuting operators
Functional analysis and operator theory /
Functional Analysis, Calculus of Variations and Numerical Methods for Models in Physics and Engineering
Schrödinger operators, spectral analysis and number theory in memory of Erik Balslev /
Functional analysis /
Spectral theory and differential operators /
Applied functional analysis /
An introductory course in functional analysis /
Functional and shape data analysis /
Linear functional analysis : an application-oriented introduction /
Geometry of the unit sphere in polynomial spaces /
Function Classes on the Unit Disc : an Introduction.
Advanced functional analysis /
Spectral analysis of growing graphs : a quantum probability point of view /
Introduction to functional analysis
Applied Functional Analysis, Third Edition /
Introduction to Functional Data Analysis /
Topics In Contemporary Differential Geometry, Complex Analysis And Mathematical Physics : Proceedings of the 8th International Workshop on Complex Structures and Vector Fields.
Functional analytic methods for heat Green operators : heat kernel asymptotics via the Weyl-Hörmander calculus /
Necessary conditions for an extremum /
A compact course on linear PDEs /
Upper bounds for Grothendieck constants, quantum correlation matrices and CCP functions /
Functional analysis and complex analysis : Functional Analysis and Complex Analysis, September 17-21, 2007, Sabancı University, İstanbul, Turkey /
Functional analysis, spectral theory, and applications /
Functional analysis : fundamentals and applications /
A guide to spectral theory applications and exercises /
Functional analysis, holomorphy, and approximation theory
Functional analysis in interdisciplinary applications : Astana, Kazakhstan, October 2017 /
Theoretical foundations of functional data analysis, with an introduction to linear operations /
Basics of functional analysis with bicomplex Scalars, and bicomplex Schur analysis /
Lectures on functional analysis and the Lebesgue integral /
Functional Analysis with Current Applications in Science, Technology and Industry
Exercises in analysis.
Introducción al análisis funcional /
Functional analysis and applications /
Functional analysis and applied optimization in Banach spaces : applications to non-convex variational models /
Functional analysis : an introductory course /
A course in functional analysis and measure theory /
CounterExamples : From Elementary Calculus to the Beginnings of Analysis.
From Euclidean to Hilbert spaces : introduction to functional analysis and its applications /
Functional Analysis : an Introduction to Banach Space Theory.
The classical moment problem and some related questions in analysis /
Spectral theory of linear operators and spectral systems in banach algebras /
Analysis of chaotic behavior in non-linear dynamical systems : models and algorithms for quaternions /
The mathematics of networks of linear systems /
Real and functional analysis.
Real and functional analysis
Functional analysis : a practitioner's guide to implementation and training /
An introduction to modern analysis /
Contribution to functional analysis.
Functional analysis tools for practical use in sciences and engineering
Functional analysis for the applied sciences
Functional analysis and the Feynman operator calculus /
Geometruc aspects of functional analysis : Israel seminar (GAFA) 2020-2022 /
Spectral theory of infinite-area hyperbolic surfaces /
Fundamentals of functional analysis
Linear functional analysis for scientists and engineers /
Advances in microlocal and time-frequency analysis
Spectral theory basic concepts and applications /
Spectral theory on the S-Spectrum for quaternionic operators /
Carathéodory sets in the plane /
Spectral theory of bounded linear operators
CounterExamples From Elementary Calculus to the Beginnings of Analysis.
QA320 .A37 2001 Spectral computations for bounded operators / 1
QA320 .A37 2001eb Spectral computations for bounded operators / 1
QA320 .A38 2018 Fredholm and local spectral theory II : with application to Weyl-type theorems / 1
QA320 .A413 The classical moment problem : and some related questions in analysis / 1
QA320 .A423 Some questions in the theory of moments / 1