Call Number (LC) Title Results
QA331 .K762 1992 A primer of real analytic functions / 2
QA331 .K78152 2007eb Sharp real-part theorems a unified approach / 1
QA331 .K78513 1986 Kleinian groups and uniformization in examples and problems / 1
QA331 .K813 Problems in complex variable theory / 1
QA331 .K83 Elementary theory of Eisenstein series. 1
QA331 .K877 Deformations of compact complex manifolds. 1
QA331 .K95 Applied functions of a complex variable / 1
QA331 .K97 1972 Applied functions of a complex variable / 1
QA331 .L24 1992 Nevanlinna theory and complex differential equations / 1
QA331 .L24 1992eb Nevanlinna theory and complex differential equations / 1
QA331 .L25 1929 Darstellung und Begründung einiger neuerer Ergebnisse der Funktionentheorie / 1
QA331 .L25 1934 Intégrales de Lebesgue fonctions d'ensemble, classes de Baire. : Leçons professées au Collège de France / 1
QA331 .L25313 Foundations of modern potential theory / 1
QA331 .L255 Complex analysis / 1
QA331 .L255 1985 Complex analysis / 2
QA331 .L255 1993 Complex analysis / 1
QA331 .L255 1999 Complex analysis / 1
QA331 .L2553 1987 Introduction to complex hyperbolic spaces / 1
QA331 .L26 Normal two-dimensional singularities / 1
QA331 .L264 1985 Théorie de la deuxième microlocalisation dans le domaine complexe / 1