Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
QA331.5 .W45 1968 | Calculus of vector functions / | 1 |
QA331.5 .Z33 1989 | Continuity, integration and fourier theory / | 1 |
QA331.5 .Z34 2002 | Convex analysis in general vector spaces / | 1 |
QA331.5 ebook |
Las funciones de varias variables / Las funciones de una variable / La teoría de funciones de Baire : la constitución de lo discontinuo como objetivo matemático / |
3 |
QA331.7 |
Dynamics in One Complex Variable. (AM-160) : Third Edition. (AM-160) Analyticity in infinite dimensional spaces / Functions of One Complex Variable 2. Introduction to functions of a complex variable / Complex analysis / Hypercomplex analysis : new perspectives and applications / Optimization in Engineering Sciences : Approximate and Metaheuristic Methods. Five lectures in complex analysis : second Winter School on Complex Analysis and Operator Theory, February 5-9, 2008, University of Sevilla, Sevilla, Spain / Complex geometric analysis in Pohang : POSTECH-BSRI SNU-GARC International Conference on Several Complex Variables, June 23-27, 1997 at POSTECH / Complex analysis and dynamical systems III : a conference in honor of the retirement of Dov Aharonov, Lev Aizenberg, Samuel Krushkal, and Uri Srebro, January 2-6, 2006, Nahariya, Israel / Complements of higher mathematics / Complex variables : a physical approach with applications / Complex Analysis and Applications / An introduction to complex analysis and the laplace transform / K-schur functions and Affine Schubert calculus / L² Approaches in Several Complex Variables Towards the Oka-Cartan Theory with Precise Bounds / Integration with complex numbers : a primer on complex analysis / Computational Conformal Mapping Current topics in pure and computational complex analysis / Lectures on several complex variables / Complex variables and analytic functions : an illustrated introduction / Bicomplex holomorphic functions : the algebra, geometry and analysis of bicomplex numbers / Multidimensional integral representations : problems of analytic continuation / L2 approaches in several complex variables : development of Oka-Cartan Theory by L2 estimates for the ? ̄operator / Dynamics in one complex variable / A Guide to Complex Variables / Complex analysis and dynamical systems : new trends and open problems / A primer on the Dirichlet space / Basic Oka theory in several complex variables / Regular functions of a quaternionic variable / Analytic continuation and q-convexity / Entire Functions of Several Complex Variables / Slice hyperholomorphic Schur analysis / Curso de variable compleja Nevanlinna's Theory of Value Distribution : the Second Main Theorem and its Error Terms / Visual complex analysis / Quaternionic approximation : with application to slice regular functions / New Developments in Singularity Theory / Deformations of Mathematical Structures II Hurwitz-Type Structures and Applications to Surface Physics. Selected Papers from the Seminar on Deformations, Łódź-Malinka, 1988/92 / Hyperbolic Complex Spaces / Complex Analytic Sets / Unicity of Meromorphic Mappings |
44 |
QA331.7 .A25 1997 | Complex variables : introduction and applications / | 1 |
QA331.7.A25 2003 | Complex variables : introduction and applications. | 1 |
QA331.7 .A25 2003 | Complex variables : introduction and applications / | 1 |
QA331.7 .A25 2003eb | Complex variables : introduction and applications / | 1 |
QA331.7 A36 2007 | Several complex variables and integral formulas / | 1 |
QA331.7 .A38 2013 | Advances in hypercomplex analysis | 1 |
QA331.7 .A435 2009 | The Hardy space of a slit domain | 1 |
QA331.7 .A5 2000 |
Analysis and geometry on complex homogeneous domains Analysis and geometry on complex homogeneous domains / |
2 |
QA331.7 .A515 2001 | Analytic extension formulas and their applications / | 1 |
QA331.7 .A52 1997 | Topics in complex analysis / | 1 |
QA331.7.A535 2017 | Analysis and Geometry in Several Complex Variables. | 1 |
QA331.7 .A57 1998 | Complex variables / | 2 |
QA331.7 .A64 1976 | Zadači po teorii funkcij kompleksnoj peremennoj / | 1 |
QA331.7 .A76 2008 | J-contractive matrix valued functions and related topics / | 2 |
QA331.7 .A83 1996 | Proceedings of the Ashkelon Workshop on Complex Function Theory (May 1996) / | 1 |