Call Number (LC) Title Results
QA33 .W358 Tractatus duo prior, de cycloide et corporibus inde gentis : posterior, epistolaris in qua agitur de cissoide, et corporibus inde gentis, et de curvarum ... / 2
QA33 .W66 1680 A specimen of a new al-mon-ac for ever: or, A rectified account of time, by a luni-solar year. Described in (and dedicated to the most honourable order of) the Garter. 1
QA33.W77 1635 Une table logarithmetique, par laquelle on peut trouver le logarithme de quelque numbre que se soit dessous 400000. 1
QA35 .A2 Subtensial plain trigonometry wrought with a sliding-rule, with Gunter's lines, and also arithmetically, in a very concise manner, and this method apply'd to navigation, and surveying / 1
QA35 .A53 Gaging promoted an appendix to Stereometrical propositions /
Gaging promoted an appendix to stereometrical propositions /
QA35 .B34 A catalogue of the mathematical works of the learned Mr. Thomas Baker, Rector of Bishop Nympton in Devonshire with a proposal about printing the same, and first one intituled The geometrical key, or, The gate of æquations unlockt. 2
QA35 .B47 The doctrine of permutations and combinations : being an essential and fundamental part of the doctrine of chances; as it is delivered by Mr. James Bernoulli, in his excellent treatise on the doctrine of chances, intitled, Ars conjectandi, and by the celebrated Dr. John Wallis, of Oxford, in a tract intitled from the subject, and published at the end of his Treatise on algebra: in the former of which tracts is contained, a demonstration of Sir Isaac Newton's famous binomial theorem, in the cases of integral powers, and of the reciprocals of integral powers. Together with some other useful mathematical tracts. Published by Francis Maseres, esq. 1
QA35 .C3313 The great art, or, The rules of algebra / 1
QA35 .D64 1748 The mathematical repository : containing analytical solutions of five hundred questions, mostly selected from scarce and valuable authors ; designed to conduct beginners to the more diffiuclt properties of numbers / 1
QA35 (INTERNET) Gaging promoted an appendix to stereometrical propositions / 1
QA35 .L14 Institutions de géométrie enrichies de notes critiques et philosophiques sur la nature et les développemens de l'esprit humain : avec un discours sur l'étude des mathématiques, où l'on essaie d'établir que les enfans sont capables de s'y appliquer, augmenté d'une réponse aux objections qu'on y a faites : ouvrage utile, non-seulement à ceux qui veulent apprendre ou enseigner les mathématiques par la voie la plus naturelle, mais encore à toutes les personnes qui sont chargées de quelque education / 1
QA35 .L3 Opera mathematica / 1
QA35 .L35 1765 Institutions de géometrie : enrichies de notes critiques et philosophiques sur la nature et les développemens de l'esprit humain / 1
QA35 .L508 The Usher Comprising arithmetic in whole numbers; federal money; decimal and vulgar fractions; a description and use of Goggeshall's sliding rule; some uses of Gunter's scale; superficial and solid measuring; geometrical definitions and problems; surveying; the surveyor's pocket companion, or trigonometry made easy; a table of sines; a table of tangents; miscellany, tables of the weight and value of gold coins. Calculated and designed for youth / 1
QA35 .M1641 1796 A treatise of algebra, in three parts : Containing I. The fundamental rules and operations; II. The composition and resolution of equations of all degrees, and the different affections of their roots; III. The application of algebra and geometry to each other. To which is added an appendix concerning the general properties of geometrical lines / 1
QA35 .M27 1685 Mellificium mensionis, or, The marrow of measuring wherein a new and ready way is shewn how to measure glazing, painting, plastering, masonry, joyners, carpenters and brick-layers work, as also the measuring of land and all other snperficies and solids, by vulgar arithmetick without reducing the integers into the least denomination giving the content of any superficies or solid consisting of feet, inches, and parts of inches, in a fourth part of the time and labour required by the usal way in vulgar arithmetick, together with some choice principles and problems of geometry conducing thereto / 1
QA35 .M27 1698 Mellificium mensionis: or, The marrow of measuring, wherein a new and ready way is shewn how to measure glazing, painting, plastering, masonry, joyners, carpenters and brick-layers works. As also the measuring of land and all other snperficies [sic] and solids, by vulgar arithmetick, without reducing the integers into the least denomination; giving the content of any superficies or solid, consisting of feet, inches, and parts of inches, in a fourth part of the time and labour required by the usal [sic] way in vulgar arithmetick. Together with some choice principles and problems of geometry conducing thereto. The whole treatise being comprized in six books, and illustrated with copper cuts. An account whereof is given in the Epistle to the reader; the like not heretofore published. / 1
QA35 .M33 The doctrine of permutations and combinations : being an essential and fundamental part of the doctrine of chances; as it is delivered by Mr. James Bernoulli, in his excellent treatise on the doctrine of chances, intitled, Ars conjectandi, and by the celebrated Dr. John Wallis, of Oxford, in a tract intitled from the subject, and published at the end of his Treatise on algebra: in the former of which tracts is contained, a demonstration of Sir Isaac Newton's famous binomial theorem, in the cases of integral powers, and of the reciprocals of integral powers. Together with some other useful mathematical tracts. Published by Francis Maseres, esq. 1
QA35 .N5647 The mathematical papers of Isaac Newton,
The mathematical papers of Isaac Newton /
QA35 .N5649 Mathematical works / 1