QA371 .K58 1960
Differentialgleichungen und Randwertprobleme : Lehrbuch für Naturwissenschaftler und Ingenieure. |
1 |
QA371 .K5854 1989
Differential and difference equations through computer experiments : with diskettes containing PHASER, an animator/simulator for dynamical systems for IBM personal computers / |
1 |
QA371 .K5877 2019
Lectures on differential equations / |
1 |
QA371 .K636 2015
Differential equations : theory, technique, and practice / |
1 |
QA371 .K67 2015
Abstract Volterra integro-differential equations / |
2 |
QA371 .K735 1999
Shape, smoothness, and invariant stratification of an attracting set for delayed monotone positive feedback / |
1 |
QA371 .K74 2020
Differential equations : a modern approach with wavelets / |
1 |
QA371 .K82 1993
Delay differential equations : with applications in population dynamics / |
1 |
QA371 .K82 1993eb
Delay differential equations with applications in population dynamics / |
1 |
QA371 .L18 2004
Stochastic versus deterministic systems of differential equations / |
1 |
QA371 .L18 2004eb
Stochastic versus deterministic systems of differential equations |
1 |
QA371 .L23
Differential and integral inequalities : theory and applications / |
1 |
QA371 .L24 1981
Nonlinear differential equations in abstract spaces / |
1 |
QA371 .L245 1994
Theory of differential equations with unbounded delay / |
2 |
QA371 .L246 2003
Theory of fuzzy differential equations and inclusions / |
1 |
QA371 .L26
A first course in ordinary differential equations. |
1 |
QA371 .L275
Certain devices for the numerical treatment of ordinary differential equations / |
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QA371 .L28 2001
Asymptotics of linear differential equations / |
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QA371 .L3
Mémoires sur la théorie des systèmes des équations différentielles linéaires. |
1 |
QA371 .L34
Mathematics of engineering systems : (linear and non-linear) |
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