Call Number (LC) Title Results
QA401 .B3713 1996 Scaling, self-similarity, and intermediate asymptotics / 1
QA401 .B3713 1996eb Scaling, self-similarity, and intermediate asymptotics / 1
QA401 .B38 1999 The art of modeling in science and engineering / 1
QA401.B38 2006 The Art of Modeling in Science and Engineering with Mathematica, Second Edition / 1
QA401 .B382 2003 Mathematical modeling of physical systems : an introduction / 1
QA401 .B39 2013eb Modern mathematics for the engineer. 1
QA401 .B4 Modern mathematics for the engineer / 1
QA401 .B44 1995 Modelling mathematical methods and scientific computation / 1
QA401 .B45 Measurement and analysis of random data / 1
QA401 .B457 Measurement and analysis of random data / 1
QA401 .B46 Engineering mathematics / 1
QA401 .B54 2021 Explanatory model analysis : explore, explain, and examine predictive models / 1
QA401 .B6 1963 The transform analysis of linear systems. 1
QA401 .B647 Les fonctions généralisées ou distributions : par M. Bouix. Préf. de A. Lichnerowicz. 1
QA401 .B65 Distributions, complex variables, and Fourier transforms / 1
QA401 .B674 2017eb Essential mathematics for the physical sciences. 1
QA401 .B7 The mathematical theory of linear systems. 1
QA401 .B73 Introduction géométrique à quelques théories physiques. 1
QA401 .B76 The impartial eye : a new approach to mathematics and physics / 1
QA401 .B768 1982 Applying mathematics : a course in mathematical modelling / 2