Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
QA443.5 .G46 2019eb | Geometry in history / | 1 |
QA443.5 .G73 2007 | Worlds out of nothing : a course in the history of geometry in the 19th century / | 1 |
QA443.5 .G73 2007eb | Worlds out of nothing a course in the history of geometry in the 19th century / | 1 |
QA443.5 .G73 2011 | Worlds out of nothing a course in the history of geometry in the 19th century / | 1 |
QA443.5 .H65 2002 | Geometry : our cultural heritage / | 1 |
QA443.5 .I1813 1988 | Felix Klein and Sophus Lie : evolution of the idea of symmetry in the Nineteenth Century / | 1 |
QA443.5 .K58 1986 | The ancient tradition of geometric problems / | 2 |
QA443.5 .M3813 1996 | Mathematics of the 19th century : geometry, analytic function theory / | 1 |
QA443.5 .M56 2001 | Euclid's window : the story of geometry from parallel lines to hyperspace / | 1 |
QA443.5 .O44 2010 | Revolutions of geometry / | 1 |
QA443.5 .O44 2010 Suppl | Solutions manual to accompany Revolutions of geometry / | 1 |
QA443.5 .O88 2012 | Geometry by its history | 1 |
QA443.5 .R53 1988 | Mathematical visions : the pursuit of geometry in Victorian England / | 1 |
QA443.5 .S47 2011 | Les origines de la géométrie : tiers livre des fondations / | 1 |
QA443.5 ebook | Las geometrías y otras revoluciones | 1 |
QA444 |
Euclidis elementorum libri XV. breviter demonstrati, Thābit ibn Qurra's restoration of Euclid's data : text, translation, commentary / |
2 |
QA444 .A26 2021 | Alfonso's Rectifying the curved : a fourteenth-century Hebrew geometrical-philosophical treatise / | 1 |
QA444 .A2813 | Abu Kamil's "On the pentagon and decagon" / | 1 |
QA444 .B45 | Resolvtio omnivm Evclidis problematvm aliorumq[ue] ad hoc necessario inuentorum vna tantummodo circini data apertura / | 1 |
QA444 .C55 1920 | Éléments de géométrie / | 1 |