Call Number (LC) Title Results
QA444 .A26 2021 Alfonso's Rectifying the curved : a fourteenth-century Hebrew geometrical-philosophical treatise / 1
QA444 .A2813 Abu Kamil's "On the pentagon and decagon" / 1
QA444 .B45 Resolvtio omnivm Evclidis problematvm aliorumq[ue] ad hoc necessario inuentorum vna tantummodo circini data apertura / 1
QA444 .C55 1920 Éléments de géométrie / 1
QA444 .C6 1666 Practical geometry or A manual of mathematical recreations. Shewing how to perform some select propositions of geometry ... As also how to find the true heights, depths, and distances of hills, castles, towers, or steeples ... And how to draw an horizontal dial for any latitude. Fitted for the ingenious of all ranks and professions ... and all other students in the mathematicks. / 1
QA444 .E44 1684 The elements or principles of geometrie 1
QA444 .H62 Six lessons to the professors of the mathematiques one of geometry the other of astronomy, in the chaires set up by the noble and learned Sir Henry Savile in the University of Oxford. 1
QA444 .H8413 1991 Practical geometry = Practica geometriae / 1
QA444 (INTERNET) Institutio mathematica, or, A mathematical institution shewing the construction and use of the naturall and artificiall sines, tangents, and secants in decimal numbers, and also of the table of logarithms in the general solution of any triangle, whether plain or spherical, with their more particular application in astronomie, dialling, and navigation /
Six lessons to the professors of the mathematiques one of geometry the other of astronomy, in the chaires set up by the noble and learned Sir Henry Savile in the University of Oxford.
Chrysaspis to Querela a letter /
De numeris geometricis Of the nature and proprieties of geometricall numbers. /
The elements of geometrie of the most auncient philosopher Euclide of Megara
Via regia ad geometriam The vvay to geometry : Being necessary and usefull, for astronomers. Geographers. Land-meaters. Sea-men. Engineres. Architecks. Carpenters. Paynters. Carvers, &c. /
The geometrical square, with the use thereof in plain and spherical trigonometrie chiefly intended for the more easie finding of the hour and azimuth /
Cosmographia, or, A view of the terrestrial and cœlestial globes in a brief explanation of the principles of plain and solid geometry applied to surveying and gauging of cask : the doctrine of primum mobile : with an account of the Juilan & Gregorian calendars, and the computation of the places of the sun, moon, and fixed stars ... : to which is added an introduction unto geography /
An essay for the discovery of some new geometrical problems (judged by some learned men, impracticable) concerning angular sections, beginning with the geometrical trisection of any right lined angle, by plain geometry of right lines and arches of circles, with rule and compass only, with out all conick sections, and cubick æquations. Whether the following praxis, and apparent demonstration thereof doth not only make it practicable, but easie to the understanding of a tiro, who but understands a little in true geometrical learning. Which layeth a foundation of a plain method how to sect any angle into any other number of parts required, even as 4. 6. 8. 10; or uneven, as 5. 7. 9. 11. &c. As also to divide a circle into any number even, or uneven of equal parts. All which have great uses in the improvement of the mathematical sciences, some of which are here specified. Proposed and submitted to the impartial tryal and examination of the right reason of such artises, to whose hands it may come. /
QA444 .K3713 2020 Al-Kāshī's Miftāḥ al ḥisab. translation and commentary / 1
QA444 .K67 1989 Textual studies in ancient and medieval geometry / 2
QA444 .L49 1669 Nine geometrica'll [sic] exercises for young sea-men, and others that are studious in mathematicall practices: containing IX particular treatises, whose contents follow in the next pages. All which exercises are geometrically performed, by a line of chords and equal parts, by waies not usually known or practised. Unto which the analogies or proportions are added, whereby they may be applied to the chiliads of logarithms, and canons of artificiall sines and tangents. / 1
QA444 .M87 1998 Johannes de Muris, De arte mensurandi : a geometrical handbook of the fourteenth century / 1
QA444 .P37 Elementa geometriæ in quibus methodo brevi ac facili summe necessaria ex Euclide, Archimede, Apollonio, & nobilissima veterum & recentiorum geometrarum inventa traduntur / 2
QA444 .S63 1627 A breefe treatise of sphæricall triangles wherein is handled the sixteene cases of a right angled triangle, being all extracted out of one diagram, and reduced into theorems, with the totall sine in the first place, so that by addition onely, they may be effected : as also, the twelue cases of an oblique sphæricall triangle, being likewise reduced into theorems, whereby with one or two additions at the most, any of them may be resolued by helpe of this canon following made with secants, and that only by such numbers as are therein to be founde, without first making any substraction, or vsing any mentall operation ... / 1
QA444 .V5 Practical geometry in the high middle ages : artis cuiuslibet consummatio and the pratike de geometrie / 1
QA445 Elementary mathematics from a higher standpoint.
Lectures on Euclidean geometry.
Surveys in geometry II /
Movements of form /
On the hypotheses which lie at the bases of geometry /
Geometry and its applications in arts, nature and technology
Lectures on geometry /
Exploring advanced Euclidean geometry with geogebra
Geometry essentials for dummies /
Introducción a la geometría
Moving Through Dimensions : a Mathematics Unit for High Ability Learners in Grades 6-8.
Exploring advanced Euclidean geometry with geogebra /
Geometry and physics /
Géométrie (L3M1) /
S.M.A.R.T. circle minicourses /
In the tradition of Thurston II geometry and groups /
Geometry with trigonometry /
A short course in computational geometry and topology /
Geometry and its applications /
An Axiomatic Approach to Geometry /
Geometry and physics : a festschrift in honour of Nigel Hitchin.
Geometry and physics.
Introduction to geometry and topology /
Modern geometry : methods and applications.
New trends in intuitive geometry /
Research in shape analysis : WiSH2, Sirince, Turkey, June 2016 /
Classical geometry : Euclidean, transformational, inversive, and projective /
Geometry -- intuition and concepts : imagining, understanding, thinking beyond. an introduction for students /
Research in shape modeling : Los Angeles, July 2013 /
Shapes and diffeomorphisms /
SAGA-- advances in shApes, geometry, and algebra : results from the Marie Curie Initial Training Network /
Geometry and discrete mathematics : a selection of highlights /
Head first 2D geometry /
Shen ru qian chu ping mian ji he /
Geometry from isometries to special relativity /
QA445 .A244 2021 The Wonder Book of Geometry : A Mathematical Story. 1
QA445 .A25 2001 Surfaces and superposition / 1
QA445 .A3 A new look at geometry / 1