Call Number (LC) Title Results
QA501 .W76 Theoretical and practical graphics : an educational course on the theory and practical applications of descriptive geometry and mechanical drawing, prepared for students in general science, engineering or architecture / 1
QA501 ebook Geometría descriptiva conceptual : curso básico /
Geometría descriptiva y sus aplicaciones.
Geometría descriptiva : compendio de geometría descriptiva para técnicos /
Geometría descriptiva : paso a paso /
Nueva gama de ejercicios : geometría descriptiva /
QA501.5 .H32y 1962 Schaum's outline of theory and problems of descriptive geometry / 1
QA505 .E5 Axonometrical projections on the most important geometrical surfaces. Drawings in descriptive geometry. Serving at the same time as a catalogue of models executed according to the aforesaid projections 1
QA505 .W4 Anleitung zum axonometrischen zeichnen : nebst einem anhange fürdiejenigen, welche weder mit der trigonometrie noch mit der analysis bekannt sind / 1
QA515 .A53 2007 The geometry of art : the history of the mathematical theory of perspective from Alberti to Monge / 1
QA515 .A53 2007eb The geometry of an art the history of the mathematical theory of perspective from Alberti to Monge / 1
QA515 .B4 1960 Perspective : a practical development of basic principles / 1
QA515 .B7 Petit traité de perspective / 1
QA515 .C77 1644 Examen des oevvres dv Sr. Desargves 1
QA515 .F73 2011 Viewpoints : mathematical perspective and fractal geometry in art / 1
QA515 .L33 1898 Traité de perspective linéaire : contenant les tracés pour les bas-reliefs et les décorations théatrales, avec une théorie des effets de perspective / 1
QA515 .P453 2009 Questiones super perspectiva communi / 1
QA515 .R2 Shades and shadows and perspective : a text-book based on the principles of descriptive geometry / 1
QA519 .C3713 2003 The shadow club : the greatest mystery in the universe--shadows--and the thinkers who unlocked their secrets / 2
QA519 .L3 Shades and shadows / 1
QA519 .W1 General problems of shades and shadows. Formed both by parallel and by radial rays; and shown both in common and isometrical projection: together with the theory of shading. 1
QA520 .J67 1978 Jordanus de Nemore and the mathematics of astrolabes = De plana spera / 1
QA521 .E83 2011eb Alternating projection methods 1
QA529 .B37 2017 Basic triangle trigonometry practice. 2