Call Number (LC) Title Results
QA564 .C87 1995 Current topics in complex algebraic geometry / 1
QA564 .C8794 2018 Introduction to algebraic geometry / 1
QA564 .C88 2007 Toroidalization of dominant morphisms of 3-folds / 3
QA564 .D37 2010 Period domains over finite and p-adic fields / 1
QA564 .D37 2010eb Period domains over finite and p-adic fields / 1
QA564 .D38 2009 Embeddings in manifolds / 1
QA564 .D44 2001 Higher-dimensional algebraic geometry / 1
QA564 .D443 2006eb Computing in algebraic geometry a quick start using SINGULAR / 1
QA564 .D446 2013 Deformations of surface singularities / 1
QA564 .D4494 2017 On Dwork's p-adic formal congruences theorem and hypergeometric mirror maps / 2
QA564 .D4513eb Introduction to algebraic geometry and algebraic groups 1
QA564 .D47 2021 The Cremona group and its subgroups / 1
QA564 .D513 1985 History of algebraic geometry : an outline of the history and development of algebraic geometry / 2
QA564 .D52 1967 Fondements de la géométrie algébrique moderne. 1
QA564 .D53 Topics in local algebra : lectures delivered at the University of Notre Dame / 1
QA564 .D54 Différents aspects de la positivité : un séminaire / 1
QA564 .D548 2017 History Algebraic Geometry / 1
QA564 .D573 1966 Fondements de la géométrie algébrique moderne. 1
QA564 .D58 Dix exposés sur la cohomologie des schémas / 1
QA564 .D638 2012eb Classical algebraic geometry : a modern view / 2