Call Number (LC) Title Results
QA641 .L355 Differentialgeometrie in Vektorräumen : unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der unendlichdimensionalen Räume. 1
QA641 .L36 Differentialgeometrie / 1
QA641 .L3613 Differential and Riemannian geometry / 1
QA641 .L3613 1965 Differential and Riemannian geometry / 1
QA641 .L37 1996 Basic concepts of synthetic differential geometry / 1
QA641 .L38 2009 Manifolds and differential geometry / 1
QA641 .L43 1989eb Methods of differential geometry in analytical mechanics 1
QA641 .L43 1994 Lectures on integrable systems : in memory of Jean-Louis Verdier : proceedings of the CIMPA School, 10-28 June 1991, Nice, France / 1
QA641 .L43 2020 Lectures and surveys on G2-manifolds and related topics / 1
QA641 .L5 Schaum's outline of theory & problems of differential geometry. 1
QA641 .L52 Théorie globale des connexions et des groupes d'holonomie. 1
QA641 .L6 Vorlesungen über Differentialgeometrie / 1
QA641 .M34 2005 Arithmetic noncommutative geometry / 1
QA641 .M35 1997 The Riemann legacy : Riemannian ideas in mathematics and physics / 1
QA641 .M35 2013 First steps in differential geometry Riemannian, contact, symplectic / 1
QA641 .M355 1996 Manifolds and geometry : Pisa 1993 / 1
QA641 .M37 1992 Collected papers of Yozô Matsushima. 1
QA641 .M38 1994 Geometry from a differentiable viewpoint / 2
QA641 .M38 1994eb Geometry from a differentiable viewpoint / 1
QA641 .M38 2013eb Geometry from a differentiable viewpoint / 1