Call Number (LC) Title Results
QA76 .C472 1990 Information randomness & incompleteness : papers on algorithmic information theory / 1
QA76 .C4746 Computers in Asia. 1
QA76 .C476 Choosing a computer. 1
QA76 .C4799 1992 New information technologies : a practitioner's guide / 1
QA76 .C52 Computers in mathematical research / 1
QA76 .C527x Computer security handbook / 1
QA76 .C53 2019 Practical tinker board : getting started and building projects with the ASUS single-board computer / 2
QA76 .C534 1978 Data base management systems / 1
QA76 .C54 1962 Colloquium on the Foundations of Mathematics, Mathematical Machines, and Their Applications : Colloque sur les fondements des mathématiques, les machines mathématques, et leurs applications. Kolloquium über die Grundlagen der Mathematik, Mathematische Maschinen, und Ihre Anwendungen. [Kollokvium ob osnovanii︠a︡kh matematiki, matematicheskikh mashinakh i ikh primenenii]. [Papers / 1
QA76 .C54 1962a Colloque sur les fondements des mathématiques, les machines mathématiques, et leurs applications, Tihany, 11-15, Septembre 1962 / 1
QA76 .C543 Technical report / Department of Computer Science, University of Colorado.
Technical report /
QA76 .C546 1975 Computer technology to reach the people : digest of papers, Compcon 75 spring : tenth IEEE Computer Society International Conference, San Francisco, California, February 25-27. 1
QA76 .C547 The Compleat computer / 2
QA76. .C5474 1998 Complexity and real computation / 1
QA76 .C5474 1998 Complexity and Real Computation.
Complexity and real computation /
QA76 .C54747 2002 Computationalism : new directions / 1
QA76 .C54747 2002eb Computationalism new directions / 1
QA76 .C54755 2004 Computer science handbook / 1
QA76 .C5476 2003 Computer science in perspective : essays dedicated to Thomas Ottmann / 2
QA76 .C549 1989 The computer and the brain : perspectives on human and artificial intelligence / 1