Call Number (LC) Title Results
QA76.58 .G37 1995 Models of massive parallelism : analysis of cellular automata and neural networks /
Models of massive parallelism analysis of cellular automata and neural networks /
QA76.58 .G43 2011 Algorithms and parallel computing /
Algorithms and parallel computing
QA76.58 .G46 1996 Performance modeling of parallel systems / 1
QA76.58 .G63 1996 Partial-order methods for the verification of concurrent systems : an approach to the state-explosion problem / 3
QA76.58 .G64 1993 Scientific computing : an introduction with parallel computing / 1
QA76.58 .G64 1993eb Scientific computing : an introduction with parallel computing / 1
QA76.58 .G67 1994 Memory architecture & parallel access / 1
QA76.58 .G72 2001 Parallel system interconnections and communications / 1
QA76.58 .G72 2001eb Parallel system interconnections and communications / 1
QA76.58 .G74 1995 Limits to parallel computation : P-completeness theory / 1
QA76.58 .G74 1995eb Limits to parallel computation : P-completeness theory / 1
QA76.58 .H33 2006 Handbook of parallel computing and statistics /
Handbook of parallel computing and statistics
QA76.58 .H36 2000 Handbook on parallel and distributed processing / 1
QA76.58 .H36 2000eb Handbook on parallel and distributed processing 1
QA76.58 .H36 2008eb Handbook of parallel computing : models, algorithms and applications / 1
QA76.58 .H363 2001 Handbook of randomized computing / 1
QA76.58 .H37 2004eb Tools and environments for parallel and distributed computing /
Tools and environments for parallel and distributed computing
QA76.58 .H45 1992 Parallel architectures and their efficient use : First Heinz Nixdorf Symposium, Paderborn, Germany, November 11-13, 1992 : proceedings / 1
QA76.58 .H53 1994 High performance computing and its applications in the physical sciences : proceedings of the Mardi Gras '93 Conference, February 18-20, 1993, Louisiana State University / 1
QA76.58 .H54 2001 Highly parallel computations : algorithms and applications / 1