Call Number (LC) Title Results
QA76.73.P98 L89 1998eb Python pocket reference / 1
QA76.73.P98 L89 2002 Python pocket reference / 1
QA76.73.P98 L89 2005 Python pocket reference /
Python kurz & gut /
QA76.73.P98 L96 2023 Python for scientific computation and artificial intelligence / 1
QA76.73.P98 L975 2014 Python pocket reference / 1
QA76.73.P98 M33 2022 Python for geospatial data analysis : theory, tools, and practice for location intelligence / 2
QA76.73.P98 M34 2014eb Python / 1
QA76.73.P98 M34 2015 Mastering matplotlib : a practical guide that takes you beyond the basics of matplotlib and gives solutions to plot complex data / 1
QA76.73.P98 .M34 2018 Python in Easy Steps, 2nd Edition / 1
QA76.73.P98 M35 2021 Introduction to computational thinking : problem solving, algorithms, data structures, and more / 2
QA76.73.P98 M35 2022 Python for data analysis : data wrangling with pandas, numpy, and jupyter. 1
QA76.73.P98 M36 2015eb Raspberry Pi for dummies / 1
QA76.73.P98 M37 2003 Python in a nutshell / 1
QA76.73.P98 M37 2006 Python in a nutshell / 1
QA76.73.P98 M374 2006eb Python for dummies / 1
QA76.73.P98 .M378 2018eb Learning Python Web Penetration Testing : Automate Web Penetration Testing Activities Using Python. 1
QA76.73.P98 M379 2022 The Python book / 1
QA76.73.P98 M38 2016 Python crash course : a hands-on, project-based introduction to programming / 1
QA76.73.P98 M38 2019 Python crash course : a hands-on, project-based introduction to programming / 2
QA76.73.P98 M38 2023 Python crash course : a hands-on, project-based introduction to programming / 3