Call Number (LC) Title Results
QA76.758 .S64 2010 Software automatic tuning from concepts to state-of-the-art results / 1
QA76.758 .S64 2011eb Software engineering, artificial intelligence, networking and parallel/distributed computing 2011 1
QA76.758 .S64 2012 Software engineering and knowledge engineering theory and practice.
Software engineering research, management and applications 2011
Software and systems traceability
Software service and application engineering essays dedicated to Bernd Krämer on the occasion of his 65th birthday /
QA76.758 .S64 2013 Software engineering frameworks for the cloud computing paradigm / 2
QA76.758 .S64 2014eb Software engineering education for a global e-service economy : state of the art, trends and developments / 1
QA76.758 .S64 2015 Software, services, and systems : essays dedicated to Martin Wirsing on the occasion of his retirement from the Chair of Programming and Software Engineering / 1
QA76.758 .S64 2015eb Software engineering and formal methods : SEFM 2014 Collocated Workshops: HOFM, SAFOME, OpenCert, MoKMaSD, WS-FMDS, Grenoble, France, September 1-2, 2014 : revised selected papers /
Software engineering for collective autonomic systems : the ASCENS Approach /
QA76.758 .S64 2017eb Software architecture for big data and the cloud / 2
QA76.758 .S64 2020 Software engineering and formal methods : SEFM 2019 collocated workshops: CoSim-CPS, ASYDE, CIFMA, and FOCLASA, Oslo, Norway, September 16-20, 2019, revised selected papers /
Software engineering and formal methods 18th International Conference, SEFM 2020, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, September 14-18, 2020, Proceedings /
QA76.758 .S64 2021 Software sustainability / 2
QA76.758 .S6445 2001 Software best practice. 1
QA76.758 .S645 1988 Software engineering 88 : 11-15 July 1988 / 1
QA76.758 .S6452 2009 Software & systems requirements engineering : in practice / 1
QA76.758 .S6452 2009eb Software & systems requirements engineering in practice / 1
QA76.758 .S6454 2005eb Software engineering / 1
QA76.758 .S6455 1990 SE90 : proceedings of Software Engineering 90, Brighton, July 1990 / 1
QA76.758 .S6457 1994 Software engineering economics and declining budgets / 1
QA76.758 .S6459 2005 Software engineering education in the modern age software education and training sessions at the International Conference on Software Engineering, ICSE 2005, St. Louis, MO, USA, May 15-21, 2005 : revised lectures / 2
QA76.758 .S6462 1990 Software engineering education SEI Conference 1990, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA, April 2-3, 1990, proceedings / 2
QA76.758 .S64628 2005 Software engineering : evolution and emerging technologies / 1