Call Number (LC) Title Results
QA76.774.M434 N377 2014 Sams teach yourself Windows 8.1 apps with XAML and C♯ in 24 hours / 1
QA76.774.M434 N384 2013 Windows 8.1 apps with XAML and C♯ unleashed / 1
QA76.774.M434 N68 2013eb Windows 8.1 inside out / 1
QA76.774.M434 .O84 2018ebd The Art of Unit Testing With Examples in C#, Second Edition / 1
QA76.774.M434 P64 2013eb Windows 8 : the missing manual / 1
QA76.774.M434 P65 2018 Windows 10 : the missing manual / 1
QA76.774.M434 P76 2013eb Professional Windows 8 programming : application development with C♯ and XAML / 1
QA76.774.M434 P76 3012 Professional Windows 8 programming : application development with C♯ and XAML / 1
QA76.774.M434 R54 2013eb Windows Store Apps entwickeln mit HTML5 und JavaScript / 1
QA76.774.M434 R56 2014 Fluent Windows 8.1 app development / 1
QA76.774.M434 R68 2013eb Windows 2012 server network security : securing your windows network systems and infrastructure / 2
QA76.774.M434 R874 2012 Microsoft Windows 8 : Schritt für Schritt / 1
QA76.774.M434 S34 2014 Windows 8.1 Bild für Bild erklärt / 1
QA76.774.M434 S36 2013 Windows 8 absolute beginner's guide / 1
QA76.774.M434 S467 2013eb Windows 8 application development with HTML5 for dummies / 1
QA76.774.M434 .S54 2019ebd C# in Depth, Fourth Edition 1
QA76.774.M434 S55 2013 Windows Server 2012 security from end to edge and beyond : architecting, designing, planning, and deploying Windows Server 2012 security solutions / 1
QA76.774.M434 S55 2013eb Windows server 2012 security from end to edge and beyond architecting, designing, planning, and deploying Windows server 2012 security solutions /
Windows server 2012 security from end to edge and beyond : architecting, designing, planning, and deploying Windows server 2012 security solutions /
QA76.774.M434 S67 2013 Easy Windows 8 / 1
QA76.774.M434 S83 2013 Microsoft Windows 8 : Ratgeber für Administratoren / 1