Call Number (LC) Title Results
QA76.9.C65 P75 1995 Introduction to simulation and SLAM II / 1
QA76.9.C65 P76 1982 Progress in modelling and simulation / 2
QA76.9.C65 P77 1992 Progress in simulation / 1
QA76.9.C65 P96 2012 Pyomo-- Optimization modeling in Python 1
QA76.9.C65 Q35 1991 Qualitative simulation modeling and analysis / 1
QA76.9.C65 R33 2006 Modeling and simulation : the computer science of illusion / 1
QA76.9.C65 R33 2006eb Modeling and simulation : the computer science of illusion / 1
QA76.9 .C65 R33 2014 Modeling and Simulation : the Computer Science of Illusion. 1
QA76.9.C65 .R384 2014 GameMaker : Studio For Dummies. 2
QA76.9.C65 .R456 2015 Visual Analytics Für Die Virtuelle Produktion. 1
QA76.9.C65 R57 1987eb Stochastic simulation /
Stochastic simulation
QA76.9.C65 R63 2004 Simulation : the practice of model development and use / 1
QA76.9.C65 R64 1998 Data Refinement : Model-Oriented Proof Methods and their Comparison / 1
QA76.9.C65 R67 2013 Simulation 1
QA76.9.C65 R67 2018eb Modeling and simulation of everyday things / 1
QA76.9.C65 R68 2014 Computer simulation, rhetoric, and the scientific imagination : how virtual evidence shapes science in the making and in the news / 1
QA76.9.C65 S26 1994 Mixed-mode simulation and analog multilevel simulation / 1
QA76.9.C65 S383 1989 Simulation in emergency management and technology : proceedings of the SCS Western Multiconference, 1989 4-6 January 1989 San Diego, California / 1
QA76.9.C65 S385 2012 The nature of code / 1
QA76.9.C65 S42 1996 Simulated evolution and learning : First Asia-Pacific Conference, SEAL '96, Taejon, Korea, November 9-12, 1996 : selected papers / 1