Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
QA76.9.D348 U6 2005eb | Up in smoke : rebuilding after an IT disaster / | 1 |
QA76.9.D348 .V384 2014 | VMware Horizon View essentials : successfully design, install, and configure an end-to-end VDI infrastructure with VMware Horizon View / | 1 |
QA76.9 .D35 | Open Data Structures An Introduction. | 1 |
QA76.9.D35 |
Data structure using C : theory and program / Instance Selection and Construction for Data Mining / A common-sense guide to data structures and algorithms in JavaScript. level up your core programming skills / Data structures using C / Programming and data structures / Data structures using C / Data structures and algorithms using C++ / Cheng xu yuan xue shu ju jie gou = Everyday data structures / Data Transportation and Protection Make your data speak : creating actionable data through Excel for non-technical professionals / The informed company : how to build modern agile data stacks that drive winning insights / Grokking Data Structures / Construction of fundamental data structures for strings Cryptography made simple / Advanced data structures : theory and applications / Data representation and serialization. Grokking data structures / Learning data modeling / Algorithms and data structures for massive datasets / Serialization and persistent objects : turning data structures into efficient databases / Everyday data structures : a practical guide to learning data structures simply and easily / Parallel, Object-Oriented, and Active Knowledge Base Systems / Information and communications security : 19th International Conference, ICICS 2017, Beijing, China, December 6-8, 2017, proceedings / Codeless data structures and algorithms : learn DSA without writing a single line of code / Climate and Environmental Database Systems / Mining Very Large Databases with Parallel Processing / Database Concurrency Control : Methods, Performance, and Analysis / Practical data science : a guide to building the technology stack for turning data lakes into business assets / Feature Selection for Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining / The Economics of Information Security and Privacy Physically unclonable functions constructions, properties and applications / DATA STRUCTURES FOR ENGINEERS AND SCIENTISTS USING PYTHON Data structures & algorithms in Java / Generic data structures and algorithms in Go an applied approach using concurrency, genericity and heuristics / Generic data structures and algorithms in Go : an applied approach using concurrency, genericity and heuristics / Learning data structures and algorithms / DATA STRUCTURES & ALGORITHMS IN PYTHON JavaScript data structures and algorithms : an introduction to understanding and implementing core data structure and algorithm fundamentals / Constraints and Databases / Polynomial Algorithms in Computer Algebra / Advanced Signature Indexing for Multimedia and Web Applications / Sequences and their Applications : Proceedings of SETA '98 / Data Structures and Algorithms: A First Course / Research Directions in Database Security C++ : Object-Oriented Data Structures / Graph Data Model : and Its Data Language / Mathematics and Computer Science II : Algorithms, Trees, Combinatorics and Probabilities / Visualization in Scientific Computing '95 : Proceedings of the Eurographics Workshop in Chia, Italy, May 3-5, 1995 / Information and Database Quality Applications of Logic Databases / Recent Advances in RSA Cryptography / Advanced Database Indexing / A textbook of data structures and algorithms. mastering advanced data structures and algorithm design strategies / Scientific Data Analysis an Introduction to Overdetermined Systems / Mining Spatio-Temporal Information Systems / Complexity of Lattice Problems : a Cryptographic Perspective / Information Organization and Databases : Foundations of Data Organization / A textbook of data structures and algorithms. mastering linear data structures / Code Breaking in the Pacific Data Mining for Design and Manufacturing : Methods and Applications / Data structures the fun way : from binary search to quadtrees in 100 cups of coffee / COUNTERING THE CLOUD thinking with and against data infrastructures. Introduction to cryptography : principles and applications / Intrusion Detection in Distributed Systems : an Abstraction-Based Approach / Applications of Data Mining to Electronic Commerce / Software Prototyping in Data and Knowledge Engineering Data Base Administration / Interoperating Geographic Information Systems Database Recovery / The Unnormalized Relational Data Model : For Office Form Processor Design / Between Data Science and Applied Data Analysis Proceedings of the 26th Annual Conference of the Gesellschaft für Klassifikation e.V., University of Mannheim, July 22-24, 2002 / Fuzzy logic in data modeling semantics, constraints, and database design / Mobile Data Management and Applications / Data management for mobile computing / Advances in Spatial Databases : 4th International Symposium, SSD'95 Portland, ME, USA, August 6-9, 1995 Proceedings / CryptoSchool / Codeless data structures and algorithms learn DSA without writing a single line of code / Spatial Information Theory. Foundations of Geographic Information Science International Conference, COSIT 2003, Kartause Ittingen, Switzerland, September 24-28, 2003. Proceedings / Mapping Scientific Frontiers: The Quest for Knowledge Visualization / Data structure simplified : implementation using C++ / Predicting the unknown : the history and future of data science and artificial intelligence / New data structures and algorithms for logic synthesis and verification / Advances in Visual Information Management : Visual Database Systems. IFIP TC2 WG2.6 Fifth Working Conference on Visual Database Systems May 10-12, 2000, Fukuoka, Japan / SIAM International Meshing Roundtable 2023 / Modern Cryptography Primer : Theoretical Foundations and Practical Applications / The Data Handbook : a Guide to Understanding the Organization and Visualization of Technical Data / Research Advances in Database and Information Systems Security : IFIP TC11 WG11.3 Thirteenth Working Conference on Database Security July 25-28, 1999, Seattle, Washington, USA / Bibliography on Abstract Data Types / REDIS STACK FOR APPLICATION MODERNIZATION build real-time multi-model applications at any scale with Redis / Knowledge Discovery and Measures of Interest / Ontologies and Databases : a Special Issue of Distributed and Parallel Databases An International Journal Volume 7, No. 1 (1999) / Client Data Caching : a Foundation for High Performance Object Database Systems / Parallel and Distributed Information Systems / Information-Statistical Data Mining : Warehouse Integration with Examples of Oracle Basics / Foundations of Knowledge Systems : with Applications to Databases and Agents / Guide to Computer Viruses : How to avoid them, how to get rid of them, and how to get help / Database and Application Security XV : IFIP TC11 / WG11.3 Fifteenth Annual Working Conference on Database and Application Security July 15-18, 2001, Niagara on the Lake, Ontario, Canada / Semantic Issues in E-Commerce Systems : IFIP TC2 / WG2.6 Ninth Working Conference on Database Semantics April 25-28, 2001, Hong Kong / Advances in Data Base Theory : Volume 2 / Database Semantics : Semantic Issues in Multimedia Systems / Learning functional data structures and algorithms : learn functional data structures and algorithms for your applications and bring their benefits to your work now / Data Structures using C : a Practical Approach for Beginners. A common-sense guide to data structures and algorithms : level up your core programming skills / Data science your first day / Space-efficient data structures, streams, and algorithms : papers in honor of J. Ian Munro on the occasion of his 66th birthday / Authentication in Insecure Environments Using Visual Cryptography and Non-Transferable Credentials in Practise / Content-Based Access to Multimedia Information : From Technology Trends to State of the Art / Database Issues in Geographic Information Systems / Data Mining Methods for Knowledge Discovery / Intelligent Data Analysis in Medicine and Pharmacology / Genetic Programming and Data Structures : Genetic Programming + Data Structures = Automatic Programming! / Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining : the Info-Fuzzy Network (IFN) Methodology / Statistical Mining and Data Visualization in Atmospheric Sciences / Elliptic Curves and Their Applications to Cryptography : an Introduction / Logics for Databases and Information Systems / Scalable High Performance Computing for Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining Learning with the minimum description length principle / Foundations of Coding Theory / Video Mining / Indexing Techniques for Advanced Database Systems / Mutation Testing for the New Century / Exploratory Data Analysis in Empirical Research : Proceedings of the 25th Annual Conference of the Gesellschaft für Klassifikation e.V., University of Munich, March 14-16, 2001 / Classification, Automation, and New Media : Proceedings of the 24th Annual Conference of the Gesellschaft für Klassifikation e.V., University of Passau, March 15-17, 2000 / Coding, Cryptography and Combinatorics / Towards a Quarter-Century of Public Key Cryptography : a Special Issue of DESIGNS, CODES AND CRYPTOGRAPHY An International Journal. Volume 19, No. 2/3 (2000) / Validation and Verification of Knowledge Based Systems : Theory, Tools and Practice / Practical Computer Data Communications / Index Data Structures in Object-Oriented Databases / Multilevel Secure Transaction Processing / Workflow and Process Automation : Concepts and Technology / Databases and Information Systems II : Fifth International Baltic Conference, Baltic DB & IS'2002 Tallinn, Estonia, June 3-6, 2002 Selected Papers / Concurrency in Dependable Computing / Database Support for Workflow Management : the WIDE Project / Transaction Management Support for Cooperative Applications / Fundamentals of Information Systems / Feature Extraction, Construction and Selection : a Data Mining Perspective / Computed Synchronization for Multimedia Applications / Algorithms and data structures for massive datasets. Designing a modern application data stack : considerations for scalability, data processing, and application distribution / |
151 |
QA76.9.D35 A38 1983c | Data structures and algorithms / | 1 |
QA76.9.D35 A43 | Algorithms and data structures. | 1 |
QA76.9.D35 A43 1991 | Algorithms and data structures 2nd workshop, WADS '91, Ottawa, Canada, August 14-16, 1991 : proceedings / | 1 |
QA76.9.D35 A447 2011 | Data structures and algorithms using C++ / | 1 |
QA76.9.D35 A45 1995 | Random generation of trees : random generators in computer science / | 1 |
QA76.9.D35 A96 1990eb | Abstract Data Types and Algorithms / | 1 |
QA76.9.D35 B43 1982 | An introduction to data structures / | 1 |
QA76.9.D35 B43413 1992 | Semantic data modeling / | 1 |
QA76.9.D35 B84 2013 | Data structures using Java / | 1 |
QA76.9.D35 C37 1992 | The logic of typed feature structures : with applications to unification grammars, logic programs and constraint resolution / | 1 |
QA76.9.D35 C37 1992eb | The logic of typed feature structures : with applications to unification grammars, logic programs, and constraint resolution / | 1 |
QA76.9.D35 C65 2003 | Data structures and the standard template library / | 1 |
QA76.9.D35 C657 2016 | Communication and power engineering / | 1 |
QA76.9.D35 C66 1986 | Computer users' data book / | 1 |
QA76.9.D35 C68 2011 | Introducing data structures with Java / | 1 |
QA76.9.D35 .D35 2015eb |